SitN Session #7: Ice and Shadow

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Menace of the Icy Spire.

The icy figures emerging from the frozen flames are clearly not arriving for a picnic. A battle begins and rages across the various rooms of the first floor. More of the figures pop out of the frozen flames and some larger (and more dangerous) ice creatures descend the stairs leading to the second floor. During the battle, it is determined that the frozen flames are actually portals to Elemental Chaos and definitely not something that the players want to enter. The party’s arcane types also determine how to close the portal and do so (but not before some more of the creatures emerge). In the end, the party prevails.

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SitN Session #5: A coat, a coat! My Kingdom for a coat!

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventures, Slivers of Earlann and Menace of the Icy Spire.

The party ascends to the antechamber of the tomb and find that the orcs have not yet arrived and Joyin is still alive. The entire tomb was dark. All of the silvery motes of light had vanished. The pools of silvery liquid were also gone (as was the liquid Ruben had put in his waterskin). The candelsticks no longer opened or closed the secret door. The entire tomb, in fact, seemed completely devoid of any of the magics and enchantments that had once filled it.

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SitN Session #4: Dent’s Back and Into the Tomb

Warning: Spoilers below for the Living Forgotten Realms Adventure, Slivers of Eaerlann.

As the party prepares to enter the opening in the mound from which the orcs came last session, they hear a loud clang and then a long yell as Dent falls into sight, landing atop the mound. Apparently, after leaving the party at the Barrow of the Ogre King, Dent found a dragon. He attacked but his axe could not penetrate the beasts scales and the dragon simply ignored him. When it took off flying, Dent’s waterskin got caught on its scales and Dent was dragged along into the sky. Eventually the dragon dropped low enough in altitude that Dent felt he could survive the fall and landed right next to the party (Dave, my out of town player, was in town so I wrote a little story about Dent and a dragon to explain how he wound up a significant distance from where he had last left the party). With Dent joining them, the party descended some stairs that led into the mound.

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SitN Session #3: Back to Loudwater and off to Slivers

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Barrow of the Ogre-King, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide and the Living Forgotten Realms Adventure, Slivers of Eaerlann.

Leaving the Barrow, the party discovered two things. First, it was snowing…which wouldn’t be too strange except that it was late summer and very unseasonable. Second, they learned a little more about Dent. He had been hired by a man (a crybaby according to Dent) named Halaskar in Loudwater to recover the bodies of his fallen companions. The Fellowship of the Spear, as Halaskar’s group was known, had been hired by someone to find this tomb but were attacked by many, many orcs and Halaskar was the only one to survive and escape.

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SitN Session #2: Barrow of the Ogre-King Continued

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Barrow of the Ogre-King, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide.

Picking up right where we left off, our intrepid party of adventurers had just stumbled upon some shambling creatures. Yuri, who had scouted ahread, quickly retreated to the backline and combat began. As the PCs engaged the dwarven zombies shambling forward, a couple of goblins emerged from a nearby door and joined in the fight. Partially surrounded and with some PCs getting flanked, the party faced a difficult combat but that was soon to change.

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SitN Session #1: Loudwater

Bear with me…the first session was a few weeks ago so I’m reconstructing this from my always suspect memory. These session notes are mainly intended to highlight the major events/actions and not a blow-by-blow account of everything that happened.

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Barrow of the Ogre-King, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide.

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Shifting Gears

I’m shifting gears and dropping the Pathfinder campaign. It was pretty apparent that the direction I wanted to take the game was not going to work for my group. So, instead, I’ll be running something of a “beer-and-pretzels” Forgotten Realms game centered around the Scepter of Spellgard module from WotC. Pretty much standard 4e rules (maybe a house rule or two).