Draconic Measures on a Lazy Sunday Morning

Okay, it has now been over two weeks since I asked for characters asap and the response has been, at best, underwhelming. It is a bit disconcerting to do this but it appears some draconic measures are called for. You must email me or post your character by Wednesday (9/23) or I will assume that you are no longer interested in playing and offer your spot at the table to someone else. Those who recently became fathers (for the first or second time) are exempt from this.

If you are reading this and are interested in playing in a Savage Worlds game here in Tallahassee (we’re starting with a Freeport campaign), I may have some spots opening up at my table soon. I’ve got a sign up at Secret Headquarters with my contact info. If you’re not familiar with Savage Worlds, you can check out the Test Drive Rules from Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Site Revamp

This is mostly for those Ratlings that are participating in a FRG campaign and others who had access to the prior private site. You may have noticed that you’re not at the site you thought you’d be when you hit your old FRG bookmark or whatever. You are now at the new site!

To access the private forums, you’ll need to register for them by clicking on the FRG Forums (Private) link right over there to the right. It will take you to the forums, click on Register, and go through that whole process. The administrator (hey, that’s me) will have to approve your registration before you can access the forums. I’ll try to be timely.

I’m not bringing over the old forum posts so if there is anything from the old forums that you want posted here, let me know and I’ll dig it out of the database.

More Savage Worlds Please

We’ve had a few basic sessions of playtesting Savage Worlds. These sessions have largely been combat oriented–that’s where out of rules come in the most (at least in my campaigns). I have to say that I like it! I like it a lot! The system is pretty simple but damn robust. There is a lot of flexibility to it and it seems quite easy to wing things not covered by the rules. It also seems to encourage players to be creative (via Tricks) in combat. It also strikes me that the system is much more about building story during play than stamping a story on play (sure…you can probably do either one with any system but my gut reaction is that SW is more conducive/designed for that style of play). Yep…I like it! (Did I say that already?)

I’ll be running a couple of alternating campaigns to start: one set in Green Ronin’s Freeport and one using Triple Ace Games’ Hellfrost setting (the latter explicitly written for Savage Worlds). I’m probably looking forward to running this more than any game in a long time.

Savage Worlds

I’m still months behind on updating the Campaign Logs, we’ve moved on to an Eberron game, have played a couple of higher level one-shots with 4e, and I’ve come to a conclusion. The pacing of story in the 4e games has just been too slow. Combats just take up too much time for my tastes. I’m not saying that they aren’t fun or furious but they just aren’t fast. I want fast to go with my furious and fun. I want Fast! Furious! Fun!

Where have I seen that before? Hmmm…oh right, Fast! Furious! Fun! is the tagline for Savage Worlds. I’ve been looking over Savage Worlds and it looks like it may be a good fit for what I’m looking for in a set of rules and my preferred style of game. We’re going to give it a try this week with a one-shot and then a couple of more weeks with a more full-fledged “adventure.” If it lives up to its billing, we’ll do another one-shot or two and the some longer term stuff…maybe eventually convert the current Eberron campaign over. If not, I don’t know…maybe I’ll give up GMing and gaming for awhile…

SitN Session #20: A Survivor

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version).

This is from Tyrande’s perspective.

The Orog was beating on the dwarf, the only live one we had seen so far, demanding that the tunnels be reopened. Only seeing about three orcs and what certainly must be Rage, the leader, we run right into the room. Of course, there were many more than three (hordes of hordes even).

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SitN Session #19: Let the bodies hit the floor…oh, they already did.

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version).

This is from Deornoth’s perspective.

As we finished putting the torch to the dead orc bodies and thus destroying the tattoos we never looked for, Yuri spotted an orc spying on us from the stairs under the anvil.

We gave chase, but the narrow, spiraling stairs required that we descend single file. At the bottom, there was a large, maybe huge, room with columns. The floor was covered with blood and dismembered and gutted dwarves. Rawr entered the chambered and was set upon by orcs. It got hairy a couple of times, my healing of Rawr, praise be to Moradin, being negated by Ruben inflicting new and grevious injuries on Rawr as he targeted the orcs. Ruben says it’s part of the plan, but this last time I saw doubt in Rawr’s eyes.

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SitN Session #18: A Little Creative License

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version).

From Chris (who plays Rawr): “I took a bit of liberal license with this weeks journal, hope you enjoy.”

“Bertos,” he heard a shrill voice calling his name even through the solid oak doors, “are you here.”

Bertos Vain, Wizard of the Third Order, looked up from the parchment strewn desk in annoyance. With a quick gesture of his gnarled hand, he pushed the magnifying orb away from his bearded face. The glowing white orb hung in the air next to his head, but out of his line of sight.

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SitN Session #17: Holy Day, Shmoly Day

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Roxy’s perspective.

After taking a short rest, we gathered the orc bodies in one area and Ruben did his hamana hamana to see if there was anything magical on them, but we didn’t find anything. The orc we captured regained consciousness and Tyrande tried to question him. He spit on her and struggled to get free, and did not appear to understand common, so Tyrande helped him enter dreamland again so we could start heading back to Everlund with him and the kidnapped survivors. Fortunately we were able to take Adronsius’ body back to town with us as well, since we were unable to return Kartenex and Thurann to Everlund for proper burials.

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