Shadowdark: Monsters of the Borderlands – Sokur

Where the Grall are ferocious and violent, the Sokur are calm and disciplined. This makes them so much more dangerous than their bestial cousins. They expertly coordinate their actions to accomplish their goals without any obvious communication. Bands composed solely of Sokur may be encountered, but they are more likely to be found with groups of other Chaoskin. Often a pair or a small group will act as the leaders, extending their cunning and their insightful tactics to allies. The Sokur rarely fail due to being outmaneuvered in battle.

Like most of the other more common Chaoskin, Sokur are humanoid. They resemble a muscular human in stature and build with a wolf-like head and are, of course, completely hairless. Their eyes are nearly twice the size that they should be and are a solid deep, dark red in color. Despite lacking any feature to indicate such, it feels as if you are being watched by a patient, relentless, and intractable predator whenever you are in the presence of a Sokur.

Sokur tend to be well-equipped. When leading others of their ilk, the Sokur claim the best of any spoils. Even the Grall, Unge, and Krall do not dispute this right despite their own inclinations for the strongest to claim the best loot. Most Chaoskin generally defer to the Sokur in nearly all things. When larger groups of Sokur are encountered, they nearly always have a mix of armor and weapons to allow them to adapt their tactics as needed for any situation.

When leading a variety of troops with access to different types of weapons, the Sokur may be the most dangerous of the numerous Chaoskin. An opponent would be best served by slaying the Sokur leadership as quickly as possible to cut the head off of the proverbial snake. It may still be a difficult battle but significantly less so without the tactical shrewdness of the Sokur directing the other Chaoskin.

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