Shadowdark: Monsters of the Borderlands – Scrabling

First up of the “common” Chaoskin are the Scrabling.

While not as brutal as the Grall or as cunning in battle as Sokurs, Scrablings are as vile and despised as any other Chaoskin. Slinking through caves, tunnels, and sewers and stalking through the deep darkness of the night, Scrablings are infestations that plague both travelers and settlements alike.

Hairless and dull grey in complexion, Scrablings have solid black eyes, bat-like features, and large pointed ears sticking out from their heads. Ears which turn and swivel to focus on nearby sounds. Few are taller than three to four feet high. Their small stature is further exaggerated by a hunched posture. Slight and slim in build, they are quite flexible–nearly pliable and rubbery–and can squeeze through openings that seem far too small for them to be able to pass through.

Scrablings use their fluidity to reach locations other simply cannot, establishing nests in hiddens nooks and crannies or accessing otherwise well-protected and secure rooms or chambers. Combined with their knack for stealth, Scrablings can appear in the most unexpected locations and establish large nests before anyone realizes that they are there. There are numerous tales of individuals waking in the middle of the night to watch–in horror–as a Scrabling silently squeezes through a crack barely large enough for a rat to only be followed by another and another and another…

There are many more untold tales of those individuals who never woke to such a sight and were found killed, even butchered, or simply missing in the morning.

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