Shadowdark: Monsters of the Borderlands – The Urzuvas

There are many different peoples who populate Panoply. While there have been and continue to be various conflicts between these peoples, they all have at least one thing in common…they were created in the image of the Shining Lords of Law. This is not the case with the Urzuvas.

The Urzuvas, or Chaoskin, are creatures created by the Princes of Chaos and are completely and thoroughly inimical to life. Chaos given a permanent shape and form, they are the tools of the Princes for whatever goals they may have. Even when the Urzuvas are allied with peoples of Panoply, such as the Empire of the Ostadrim, it is only to further the unfathomable interests of the Princes of Chaos.

As one might expect, the Urzuvas are quite varied in size, appearance, and abilities. Many are thoroughly unique creatures, with no other similar enough to be classified as being of the same type. Others are quite numerous and analogous to dwarves, elves, goblins, humans, orcs, and the like. Although these Chaoskin share a passing resemblance to these peoples in that they are at least (mostly) humanoid in shape, they are still thoroughly and completely creatures of chaos…utterly adverse to and destructive of civilization, life, and ultimately all of Panoply. The most common of these Urzuvas are the Scrabling, Grall, Sokur, Karnhank, Unge, and Krall.

While each bears a resemblance (often a rather strong resemblance) to how many D&D style humanoid “monsters” are portrayed, they are not goblins, orcs, or hobgoblins. And they are not people…they are monsters of Chaos and not just in the sense of alignment. They only seek…and can only seek…the same thing as the Princes of Chaos…conquering and subsuming Panoply into Maelstrom. There are no real moral quandaries when facing Urzuvas. They have no children, no families, no hope for redemption or reform…and they have no qualms of their own in harming or killing the peoples of Panoply.

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