Hello Savage Worlds, My Old Friend

Hello Savage Worlds, my old friend
I’ve come to play you once again
Because a choice corporate was making
Left its seeds that I should be seeking
And the thought that’s planted in my brain
Still remains
With the game Savage Worlds

–with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence

Like many in the TTRPG world, I’m making the most of the opportunity to explore other games following the recent attempts by Wizards of the Coast to walk back the OGL in January 2023, be it a draft or not. For various reasons, we’ve (I’ve) settled on Savage Worlds. It is a game that I’ve run before, multiple campaigns and one-shots, and have been running with our ongoing Tuesday night East Texas University (ETU) campaign. Most, but not all, of the current players have played Savage Worlds quite a bit. All who have are fans and, hopefully, those new to it will come to love it as well.

Our Saturday night campaign will be switching over to Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, specifically the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. I have always sucked at running an adventure path style campaign as I enjoy the interactive and spontaneous nature of TTRPGs. I derail my own campaigns as much as my players with spontaneous and interactive play. For this campaign, I am going to do my utmost best to run the adventure path…although I may try to run it as more of a plot point campaign typical to Savage Worlds than a Pathfinder Adventure Path. I guess we’ll see.

Before we get to that campaign, we’re going to play some Savage Pathfinder, the Hollow’s Last Hope set of adventures, to give all of us a refresher course to Savage Worlds. We started it with our Friday crew months ago and it resulted in a TPK. We’ll pick up with new player characters and start with the ramifications that follow the “failure” of the prior group of player characters.

Our Friday game is going to switch to something a little different. I’m still working it out in my head, but I think the player characters will be seniors in high school, maybe from now or maybe from a decade that most of the players were in high school (cough…90s…cough). That’s about all I want to say right now. It fits in that we have one campaign of college students (ETU) and, assuming that those players want to keep playing, we’ll do Pinebox Middle School when the ETU campaign wraps up. That means we have a gap for high school. It will be at the opposite end of spontaneity and planning from the Saturday game…something mostly on the fly and making up the setting as we go.

Phew…I’ve gotten my more or less once a year post out of the way.

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