Ratlings in Waterdeep Intro

Long time, no post. The Clerics Three campaign has died the death of a thousand missing players (slight…or not so slight…exaggeration). We had too many missing players for too many sessions and the campaign lost momentum. I find it difficult to keep a campaign going when we start missing too many sessions. For the last couple of months, we’ve been playing a series of short adventures of various levels, giving the players and myself a chance to play at some higher levels than we have with 5e. We began our new 5e campaign this past weekend.

Waterdeep is the setting for the campaign, and yes, we are using Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. It will, of course, be modified and supplemented with various stuff. We have a pretty full table for the next few weeks and here are the characters (in alphabetical order):

  • Barrak Brand: A protector aasimar cleric (life domain) played by RJ
  • Bryndissa Crannog: A hill dwarf fighter played by Muse.
  • Laajn Soulforge: A mountain dwarf paladin played by Jason (who, sadly, will be moving out of town in a few weeks).
  • Liliana Silverheart: A half-elf rogue played by Jen.
  • Merrik Terrastorm: A rock gnome wizard played by Dayton (a new addition to the group).
  • Olanys: A half-elf druid played by Bridgett.
  • Samuelyn Starstream: A half-elf monk played by Rachel.

My intent (even after Dragon Heist) is for the campaign to be largely an urban campaign combined, possibly, with some dungeon delving (maybe inspired by a dungeon of a certain insane wizard)…something similar in tone to our previous Ptolus campaign. In fact, I was thinking of running Ptolus again, but I decided that there is just too much easy to use material for Waterdeep and 5e right now. Spoiler Alert: One of the things that really appealed to me about using Dragon Heist as a framework is that the PCs come to own a building/business and become part of the community. I seem to gravitate to campaigns with the PCs having that community tie. Yes, I already shared that this would be one premise of this campaign so it isn’t really a spoiler for my players. đŸ˜‰

I also have mentioned to the players (but not necessarily officially) that they can have a “stable” of characters and swap them in and out as needed. I may also kind of “drag” out some of the earlier levels (maybe 3-6 or so). We’ll see how things go.

Session write-up forthcoming in the next few days.

1 Comment

  1. I’m eagerly waiting for the player’s journals! Have fun everybody. Don’t do anything Rodlat wouldn’t do!

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