The Clerics Three – Session 1 (5e)

We started a new 5e mini-campaign this past session. As we are just getting back into 5e after having been playing Savage Worlds for the last year plus, I thought it would be good to play a few sessions just for fun. Part of that “fun” included totally random characters using the tables from the “This is Your Life” section of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything…even names. Over pizza, the group “rolled” up their characters and we ended up with three clerics as the party:

  • Delg, a Dwarven Cleric of Light played by RJ
  • Otilia, a Human Cleric of Knowledge played Muse
  • Pallas, a Human Cleric of Life played by Rachel

Once the characters were ready, we jumped right in. The Clerics Three…for whatever reason…were traveling together. They arrived in the small village of Oakheart and that’s where we started the game below the break.

I had downloaded a free adventure off of DM’s Guild, “A Most Potent Brew,” from Winghorn Press…a really nice little adventure…so there are, obviously, spoilers for it below the break. This write-up is from yours truly but my my GM comments are still in [brackets and italics] as usual.

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Quail Valley Session 27 (SW)

We last left our heroes after they made an initial foray into an old mine in the Mélyen Hills and had retreated to recover. They encountered a number of strange and hostile creatures within. Creatures that they may not have been fully prepared to deal with…some unlucky dice rolls didn’t help either. They were just about to head back in to delve deeper into the mine before we ended the session. That, of course, is where we pick up after the break.

This write-up is from RJ. Muse was missing so Rachel played Cailana. Wink and Raspin’s players are no longer playing. RJ is now playing Raspin as well as Faelan. There are potential spoilers for Necromancer Games module, Aberrations…although heavily modified as usual. Also, as usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics].
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Quail Valley Session 26 (SW)

In our last session, things went a little sideways as the group was heading to continue their explorations and pursuit of the evil happening in and around the Mélyen Hills. Some stealthy scouting led to an encounter with a hole, a slug monster, and some orcs. This, in turn, led a trip back to Borsod to get the group back to full strength (in the form of healing potions obtained from Trinu, Borsod’s witch). Returning back to the palisade in the hills, they found it destroyed, burned to ash. The path towards the site of the ogre farmhouse was well worn as though dozens had traveled that way, perhaps the former residents of the palisade. That’s where we pick up after the break.

This write-up is from Rachel. Todd was missing and Bridgett joined us. There are potential spoilers for Necromancer Games module, Aberrations…although heavily modified as usual. Also, as usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics].
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Quail Valley Session 25 (SW)

In the last session, the heroes had defeated the ogres under Momma Graul and demolished both the farmhouse and barn. However, not before setting the creature Zeke free. Followed by Faelan, Zeke escaped to a mine a few miles away. With the rescued but essentially catatonic girl, Etel, in their charge, the group retreated back to Borsod and told the Baroness of what they had found. That’s where we pick up after the break.

This write-up is from Todd. It is good that it was Todd’s turn as Stelisto pretty much took center stage and took the session in a completely unexpected direction. As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics].
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Study. Party. Save the World!

There are many things that we do not allow ourselves to comprehend. We dismiss them out of hand. Ghosts are not real. Magic does not exist. Monsters are things of childhood tales. You feel like you are being watched, get goosebumps, the hair on your neck stands on end, but you see no one. You convince yourself that it is just your imagination. Something might be there. Something supernatural.

Ghosts are real. Magic does exist. Monsters are not just in tales to scare children. There are a few brave souls who face these supernatural threats and keep the rest of us safe, with our heads comfortably buried in the sand.

My name is Lars Anderssen. I am telling this story, but it is not my story.

This is their story, the story of a few of those few brave souls.

We are looking for some players to join an East Texas University (ETU) campaign at Fallout Comics and Games on Wednesday nights from 6-9pm. ETU is a Savage Worlds setting of supernatural horror and urban fantasy. The player characters are college students but have a few more challenges than other students: balancing parties, studies, and saving the world!

If you’d like more information or are interested in playing, please comment here or contact me at

Quail Valley Session 24 (SW)

In our prior session, the heroes had attacked the farm occupied by ogres, hillbilly, degenerate ogres. They defeated a number of the deviants and their leader, Momma Graul. They still had not yet found the missing Kosma children and still had quite a bit of the farmhouse and all of the barn to explore. With little hope of finding Etel and Henrik Kosma unharmed or even alive, the group started their search anew this session. That’s where we pick up after the break.

This write-up is from Muse. As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr as well as portions of The Hook Mountain Massacre below the break.
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Quail Valley Session 23 (SW)

When we last checked in on our heroes, they had finished their exploration of the ogre-guarded palisade and had rescued one of the missing Kosma children, Vencel. With a child in tow, they had started back for the “safety” of the village of Borsod and to report their findings to Baroness Varga. Ogres, in league with the giant tentacled moths as well as some of the tentacled centipede things, sought out the group and caught up with them as they camped their second night of travel. This confirmed that the ogres, and their leader Momma Graul, might be part of something larger than just what they had encountered so far. Defeating all opposition, the group eventually arrived back in Borsod. After they settled down for a rest at the Temple (where Jolana was seeing to the traumatized Vencel), there was a panicked knocking on the temple door. This is where we pick up after the break.

As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr as well as portions of The Hook Mountain Massacre below the break.
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Quail Valley Session 22 (SW)

During the prior session, our heroes explored a “village” of sorts…one completely surrounded by a wooden palisade with no gate other than the four ogres passing children over the fortification. That was the start of the strangeness. An apparently cowed populace of at least some deformed individuals, attacks by vicious toddlers with rather sharp teeth, and a terrified man looking to escape right now all proceeded the group rescuing one of the missing Kosma children, the middle child Vencel. Aerial scouting by a shape-changed Faelan discovered a farm, not too far away, that looked as though it might be the home of the ogres. Putting Vencel’s safety first, they decided to head back to Borsod. Camping for the night, we ended the session with sounds of two of the giant moth creatures flying overhead.

As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr below the break.
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Quail Valley Session 21 (SW)

As our last session came to a close, the party had set off on the trail of some children from one of the outlying farms around Borsod…children kidnapped by ogres by all appearances. Aided by a magical potion from Borsod’s “witch,” they had followed an old, overgrown road through the Mélyen Hills. After traveling through the night, they came to the realization that the road likely led to the Mélthyen Mines. As they came closer to the mines, they came across an old, abandoned farmhouse and some sort of palisade beyond. Sheltering in the house after a short battle with an ogre, they cased the palisade. Eventually a group of ogres approached it from the hills to the north. Clambering over, a pair of the newly arrived ogres started handing children over the wall to the ogres remaining on the outside. The group decided it was best to attack now and started toward the ogres. One of the children spotted them, tugged upon a nearby ogre’s pants, and pointed…alerting the brutes to the heroes’ approach. That is where we pick up after the break.

As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr below the break.
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Quail Valley Session 20 (SW)

In our last session, the party set off for Borsod again, accompanying the Baroness to make her apology the mayor. They were attacked by some ogre-like creatures one night and then ambushed by gnolls the following morning. An ambush which was a setup for Graylock to assassinate the Baroness, his arrow ripping through the throat of the group’s child patron. Thanks to Serena’s magics, Baroness Varga was saved. Graylock escaped and the group hightailed it to Borsod, settling in at The Goat’s Beard. Miklós was “arrested” and the group settled in for the evening with the remaining man-at-arms guarding the mayor. When Cailana came to relieve him, he was dead–killed by one of Graylock’s arrows–and the mayor was missing. That is where we pick up after the break.

As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr below the break.
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