The Clerics Three – Session 11 (5e)

When we last left our heroes, they had joined a gnome, Bale Havensack III, on his journey to Oldsten as guards. After about four days of largely uneventful travel from Oakhart, they came upon the village of Rooksten. Smoke could be seen drifting up, buzzards circling, and a bell ringing. As Cora scouted, it became clear that giants–most likely hill–had attacked and goblins had entered the village as well. Cora had crossed the lowered drawbridge and peeked in, spotting two large wolf-like creatures feasting on a dead horse in the village square. She started to enter and that’s where we pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “Storm King’s Thunder” from Wizards of the Coast but it has been significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from Rachel and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual. Muse and Todd were both missing; Jason played Otilia and RJ played Alaric. Bridgett was able to join us again to play Cora.

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The Clerics Three – Session 10 (5e)

At the end of our last session, the Clerics Three were victorious…mostly. They had defeated their foes and had provided a merciful death to a presumed doomed and innocent woman. They had begun to inspect this last chamber and had found a small golden statue of the demon Demogorgon on a larger statue of the same. Alaric had tried to destroy it by striking it with his warhammer, leading to an explosion of the hammer. He then went to pick up the statue and that’s where we pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “Troll Trouble” from Gary Whicker and from “Here There Be Monsters” from Dungeon Magazine #142. Both smooshed toegher and significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from Jason and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual. We had a full table and Bridgett joined us as well. She played Cora.

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The Clerics Three – Session 9 (5e)

When we last looked in on The Clerics Three, they had come across the Two-Faced Shrine, an ancient place dedicated to the demon lord Demogorgon. They began their explorations, gained entrance to the shrine’s inner sanctum, defeated a number of foes, and found some hidden treasure. They had depleted their resources and abilities and needed to find a safe place to rest, relatively safe at least. That is where we’ll pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “Troll Trouble” from Gary Whicker and from “Here There Be Monsters” from Dungeon Magazine #142. Both smooshed toegher and significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from RJ and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual. Muse was missing. Bridgett joined us and played Otilia.

One thing that I had forgotten to include before is the music station we’re listening to while playing. This started in our first session when the Rusty Armadillo “house band” became Orctallica and we had Pandora playing a Metallica station in the background. Each general location has (and will have) a musical theme. The village was a Dolly Parton station because Nefton’s wife’s name was Waldine and that made either Muse or Rachel (or both) to draw the comparison to Parton’s song Jolene.

Station: Queen. Clem is an ogre. Ogre Battle is a song from Queen, specifically the album Queen II. Queen II was one of the albums that we listened to a lot while playing D&D back in high school. 😉

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The Clerics Three – Session 8 (5e)

In our last session, the Clerics Three had been joined by two new companions, met a rather atypical ogre, fought some orcs and an owlbear, and found and began exploring the Two-Faced Shrine, a long lost shrine to Demogorgon, a bestial demon lord. The shrine is said to have an inner sanctum that can only be reached via some sort of magical means. At the end of the session, the heroes just might have discovered said magical means. That’s where we’ll pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “Troll Trouble” from Gary Whicker and “Here There Be Monsters” from Dungeon #142. Both, as always, are significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from Todd and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual. We were joined by an old player, Todd, who is playing Alaric, a human fighter. Kevin won’t be playing and so Rosco will be departing in this session.

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The Clerics Three – Session 7 (5e)

When we last left our heroes, they had returned back to the Hollow Hill, finished their explorations, retrieved the other bodies that they found within to return to the village, and arranged with Peder to have them properly buried. This amounted to the bodies being sunk in Lake Kever (the name of the lake hadn’t come up yet during play but there it is). After a night of rest, they set out to return to Oakhart and to meet with Winsome again. Near the end of the first day of travel , they came upon a burning cart. Gruff singing could be heard coming from the gorge nearby. Some investigation showed tracks leading into the hills. Following, the group noticed strange hybrid animals (a chipmunk with bat wings, a toad with a bird’s head, a snake with a turtle’s shell). Orcs along with wolves with rabbit ears and hindquarters attacked with one orc escaping. The Clerics Three returned to the smoldering wagon. Heading across a stone bridge that crossed the gorge, they noticed a cave and spotted the silhouette of a large creature within…possibly a troll! Delg yelled out a greeting and that is where we will pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “The Glow from Hollow Hill” from Black Abbey Press as well as “Troll Trouble” from Gary Whicker. Both, as always, are significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from Muse and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual. We were joined by two new players, Jason and Kevin, who are playing Chuck, a human wizard, and Rosco, a halfling warlock, respectively. RJ was missing this session and Rachel played Delg.

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The Clerics Three – Session 6 (5e)

In our last session, the heroes had found the lost boy, Ulfar. Unfortunately, he was no longer alive. They returned, with the body, to the village and turned it over to Celine, Ulfar’s mother. With heavy hearts, the three clerics headed to the Fisherman’s Flagon and filled in Peder on what had happened. It was also confirmed that Nefton was banished from the village for the mistaken identity he made while very drunk on pickled fish wine. During the discussion, it was also decided that it would be best to head back into the hill to determine what happened to Charisma, the young woman who disappeared before Ulfar did (and who is Winsome’s cousin). We pick up after the character’s rested for the night below the break.

There are potential spoilers for “The Glow from Hollow Hill” from Black Abbey Press as well as “Troll Trouble” from Gary Whicker. Both, as always, are significantly modified for our use. This write-up is from Rachel and my GM comments are in [brackets and italics] as usual.

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The Clerics Three – Session 5 (5e)

When we last left our heroes, they had continued their search for Ulfar in the caves of the Hollow Hill. They also made the acquaintance of a trio of less than competent and reluctant bandits…Nefton and his sons, Kolbjorn and Pedr. The Clerics Three showed mercy and rescued Kolbjorn and Pedr from death’s door after having sent them halfway through. The interior of Hollow Hill was somewhat cavernous and the heroes had a few harrowing and smothering encounters. A blue light, softly glowing from deeper under the hill, soon became their guide and goal. As they set off to find its source, Delg and Pallas saw tentacles begin to wrap around the head of a soon to be surprised Otilia. That is where we pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “The Glow from Hollow Hill” from Black Abbey Press. This write-up is from yours truly but my my GM comments are still in [brackets and italics] as usual. Unfortunately, this session was almost two weeks ago as such this might be a shorter and less fleshed out. RJ was missing this session and so Muse played both Delg and Otilia.

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The Clerics Three – Session 4 (5e)

In our last session, the Clerics Three wrapped up their work with Winsome and returned to Oakheart. As they arrived at their de facto “base of operations,” the Wizard’s Tower Brewery, Roscoe was entertaining another traveler at the small corner bar. In what is become something of a theme for this campaign, the halfling brewer exclaimed upon seeing the trio entering, “I think I know just the people to help you out!” A young boy from a “nearby” village had gone missing and the village was looking for help. The Clerics Three jumped at the chance to help. Arriving in the village (so small it doesn’t even have a name), they learned that the boy, Ulfar, had gone missing many days ago and many suspected the Hollow Hill…a nearby hill, rumored to be full of caves and some tombs, that had been glowing but changed from an orange glow to blue the night that Ulfar went missing. The Clerics Three spent some time talking to the residents and eventually began their explorations of the Hollow Hill, entering one of the known tombs and spotting light coming from deeper within. Delg took the lead and pressed forward into the tomb to be greeted by a steel blade sliding into his torso. That is where we pick up after the break.

There are potential spoilers for “The Glow from Hollow Hill” from Black Abbey Press. This write-up is from yours truly but my my GM comments are still in [brackets and italics] as usual.

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The Clerics Three – Session 3 (5e)

To date, the Clerics Three had arrived in the village of Oakheart, discovered the joy of the music of Orctallica, helped rid the local brewery of a series of vermin, and were then recruited to assist a rather naïve and talkative archaeologist in her travels, eventually reaching the old elven temple that was the site of the dig. Having encountered some carnage at a nearby travel inn and tracks leading to the dig site, they were concerned and ready for trouble and found some inside the temple. That is where we pick up after the break.

Muse was missing this session and so RJ played Otilia. There are potential spoilers for “Horror at Havel’s Cross” from Winghorn Press (available for free at DM’s Guild) as well as The Glow from Hollow Hill from Black Abbey Press. This write-up is from yours truly but my my GM comments are still in [brackets and italics] as usual.

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The Clerics Three – Session 2 (5e)

In our first session, the Clerics Three (Delg, Otilia, and Pallas) were traveling together for reasons, well, reasons yet to be determined…we just jumped right on in. They arrived in a small village called Oakheart and headed right for the local tavern, the Rusty Armadillo. They quickly found employment with Roscoe Copperkettle, a halfling, who was seeking assistance. He was looking to expand his business but encountered some problematic vermin as the renovations had begun. The clerics, eager to help, agreed before the pouch of coins was proffered. A short time later, they had accomplished their quest…mostly…and were heading back to report to Roscoe. That is where we pick up after the break.

The trio are now all 2nd level.

There are potential spoilers for both “A Most Potent Brew” and “Horror at Havel’s Cross” from Winghorn Press. Both are free and nice adventures available at DM’s Guild. This write-up is from yours truly but my my GM comments are still in [brackets and italics] as usual.

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