SitN Session #16: The Long Road to Everlund

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Yuri’s perspective.

We resume our adventures as the party awakens from their first satisfying rest in what seemed like weeks, but was really only a day or so. Tyrande, Yuri, and Mirtala are ill, but Tyrande and Yuri manage to shrug off the bug, while Mirtala responds favorably to treatment from Deornoth and the other members of the party well-versed in the healing arts. We strike off down the riverside road in the direction of Everlund, and almost immediately Yuri catches sight of a band of a dozen or more orc-sized creatures keeping up with us on the other side of the river but well-enough concealed by the forest that their precise nature is impossible to determine. Yuri’s instincts label them “danger.”

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SitN Session #15: Tattoo me this, Adronsius

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Ruben’s perspective.

Dent yawped “Dragon!” and charged into the room. He then mysteriously disappeared.

“What the hell?” Rawr charged into the room and was attacked from the darkness. Then a rat took him down with a nasty bite. Yuri also charged into the room joining the front lines with Tyrande. Yuri was bit as well and Tyrande also went down by a rat bite. A dark skinned gnome arrived and made some shadows appear causing the room to shift. Almost everyone took damage and become disoriented. He then disappeared after taking a shot from Deornoth. We made fast work of the rats and the flying thing but Tyrande and Yuri are now suffering from Filth Fever.

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SitN Session #14: Demons, Rats, and Dent! Oh my!

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Berran’s perspective.

All of sudden Yuri, Denton, and Ruben come running in the room. Denton is yelling something, I can’t be sure but I think he is saying “…got a dragon in my pocket!” But I am not sure. Anyway, we had just defeated the hobgoblins and goblins but couldn’t save the boy. We have a big discussion on whether to continue on or rest some; some of us are in pretty bad shape at this time. While we are discussing the possibilities, Ruben checks out the plate mail by putting it on. He looks pretty ridiculous with it on but I guess it is the only way to figure out if it has any magic. Tyrande takes the plate mail from him and says she will take it back. Denton picks up the spiked chain mumbling something about chaining a dragon. After a long discussion, and some helpful suggestions from Bertran, we decide to push on.

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SitN Session #13: Whoosh

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Tyrande’s perspective.

I certainly don’t know much about magic but when Roxy’s magic torch went out, I knew that couldn’t be good. Not to mention the drop in temperature and whooshing sound.

There was nothing to do but prepare. I openly suggest we backtrack the last lit room, despite knowing whatever was with us would here us. With a slight roar and a giant fire burst, Rawr blasts a brief moment of light into the room giving us the opportunity to see our foe, a dire bat hovering in the middle of the room. The light quickly dissipates however. Deornoth rummages around in his pack and pulls out a sunrod and when lit, easily lights the entire room.

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SitN Session #12: Into Rivenroar

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

Starting with this session, I’m simply posting the Campaign Journal entries written by the players. Typically, I ask the players to take turns each week writing a journal entry and posting it on our group’s private website. We hadn’t been doing this up until this point. Fair warning…the quality, creativity, and completeness of the entries varies from week to week. I’ll post some notes in italics.

This entry is from Deornoth’s perspective.

We were at the bottom of the stairs, at the entrance to the Rivenroar catacombs. Upon opening the doors, we were greeted by four hobs and two gobs. We fought and killed the hobs. The gobs fled through a door to the west. We take a short rest.

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Sorry gmail Users

I’ve had a large number of registration requests from gmail accounts that are obviously spamming attempts. So, if you are attempting to register with a gmail email account, sorry, it won’t be approved.

SitN Session #11: Brrrraaaaaaiiiiinnnnnsssss

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

When we last left our intrepid party of adventurers, they were rushing headlong towards Rivenroar…wherever and whatever that might be. Yes, our impetuous heroes only knew that Rivenroar lay somewhere to the east of Everlund. Heading out of town, they spent a short period of time looking for tracks or other evidence of the recent invaders. They discovered that many small bands had come from various directions. There was no clear path to follow and so they headed up the old Dwarf Road along the Rauvin River.

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SitN Session #10: Helping Hand

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

When we last left our party of heroes, they had recently returned from their harrowing journey through the Feydark and found themselves attacking a goblinoid raiding party. Having successfully defeated these foes, they pushed north along the road and arrived at the gates of Everlund. Hoping to get Tyrande returned from the dead, they asked the guards about the location of the Temple of Selune.

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SitN Session #9: Hook, line, and sinker

When we last left the party, Yuri had just been attacked and grabbed by some sort of worm that erupted out of the sandy floor. The worm’s tongue is rather long and has a mouth at the end, snapping and biting at Yuri. Although the battle against the worm is rather quick, the party grows concerned about facing more worms throughout the cavern. The worm kept attempting to drags those grabbed by its tongue towards its gaping maw, looking as though it will swallow them whole. It came very close to swallowing Deornoth whole.

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SitN Session #8: I’ll Top the Tower and Melt With You

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Menace of the Icy Spire (albeit a modified version).

Taking a brief rest to deal with some logistical stuff, the party determines that some of the items they’ve found in the last few sessions are magical and what they do. Of particular interest is the parchment found upon the Shadar-Kai…presumably the Bairwin mentioned in the parchment. It turns out that this parchment is magically linked to another and whatever happens to one (e.g., written upon) happens to the other. Ah ha…this Bairwin can receive messages/instructions from someone. The party contemplates how this might be used to track down the individual(s) involved with Bairwin.

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