Hellfrost Session #17

[This entry is from Jamie. Thomas missed this session. Drew came over again and played Karaphos (and did the old coot justice too)…pretty soon he’s going to have played everyone’s character at least once!

My GM comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Spoiler Alert: Some portions of this session borrow from the adventure, Stolen Land, by Paizo. I’ve borrowed some locations, etc. and changed to protect the innocent. One encounter is also borrowed from the Hellfrost Encounters Book 1…encounter #10 to be specific…I say borrowed because I hadn’t read the encounter for a couple of weeks and wasn’t planning on using it. However, as you’ll see, it was “needed” so I just went with the general feel/flow of the encounter rather than the specifics.]

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Hellfrost Session #16

[This entry is from Robert. Both Jamie and RJ missed this session. Todd took on Cuðbert while Kathryn and Cliff’s son, Drew, came over to play Skuli. Robert was offered Cuðbert to play since his new character would not be coming into play right away and I did not know when he would come into play but he declined.

My GM comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Spoiler Alert: This session was largely taken up with an encounter from the Hellfrost Encounters Book 1…encounter #8 to be specific.]

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Hellfrost Session #15

[This entry is from Todd. Both Rachel and Kathryn missed this session. Jamie took on Wulfwynn while Kathryn and Cliff’s son, Drew, came over to play Nissa.

My GM comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Spoiler Alert: Some portions of this session borrow from the adventure, Hollow’s Last Hope, by Paizo. There are also some potential spoilers for two of the encounters from the Hellfrost Encounters Book 1…encounters #4 and #18 to be specific.]

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Hellfrost Session #14

[This entry is from Thomas and is a journal entry by Karaphos. Karaphos is a rather forgetful old man who makes up names for those that he can’t remember (or bothered to learn in the first place). Those pretty familiar with the campaign won’t have trouble figuring out who is who but for everyone else, I’ll put in the correct names in italics and brackets along with all my normal GM comments.

Spoiler Alert: Some portions of this session borrow from the adventure, Stolen Land, by Paizo. I’ve borrowed some locations, etc. and changed to protect the innocent.]

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Hellfrost: Gaupa and Rune Bennies

A couple of quick notes…a bit on a minor deity in our campaign and homemade Rune Bennies.

One of the characters in the game, Cuðbert (played by Jamie), is a priest of a minor god (spirit?). In the Hellfrost Player’s Guide, rules and guidelines for creating minor gods are provided and the various Region Guides provide lots of wonderful examples of minor gods in the setting. These minor gods are great for GMs They add more variety and allow the GM to “personalize” stuff in the game without worrying about the canon of the established (i.e., written about) major deities. They are also great for players that want to come up with a character concept that doesn’t quite fit with any of the major deities.

Cuðbert is exactly one such character. Jamie had a basic character concept and he and I bounced ideas back and forth to “actualize” his concept in the game. At first, we worked on coming up with a new Arcane Background but, eventually, we settled on using the rules for minor deities…something, in retrospect, we should have just done in the first place. Below is the stat block for Gaupa…we haven’t written up any fluff yet.

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Hellfrost Session #12

[We’ve finally returned to our main Hellfrost campaign. When we last played this campaign, Wulfwynn, Skuli, Lia, Cuðbert, and Fenric (one of Munolfr’s men) had gone off to the Myrkr Holt to find both the pickled Rat’s Tail and the Aldin Moss. They had succeeded in acquiring both (as well as the shed skin of a Lindwyrm) and had pushed on through the night to make it back to Askvold’s Stead from the Holt. Meanwhile, Sebbi, Hervara, and the Brighthammer brothers had set off (without telling anyone where they were going) to find the Ironbloom Mushrooms. That group, unbeknownst to the others, had met with fatal failure. We picked up the game with the return of Wulfwynn et al to Askvold’s Stead.

This entry is from Kathryn…her first! As always, my GM comments in italics and brackets.]

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Back to Dalsetter…sort of

So last with last week’s session we wrapped up the Side Trek: Hrafn Point. This week we got back to the regular campaign with the Heroes of Dalsetter right where we left off previously (months ago). The session writeup will be coming soon. In the meantime, we’ve had some changes in characters. Not only do we have three more players in the group but Todd’s character, Sebbi, met a rather untimely death.

So I figured now is a good time to throw up a post with all of the PCs…as a reminder and introduction.

The current PCs include:

Quick reminder: We’re using a house-ruled Guts. It starts equal to starting Spirit and is then improved like any other skill.

Hellfrost Side Trek #1d: Hrafn Point Finale

[We’ve reached the finale of the Side Trek.

This entry is from Robert. As always, my GM comments in italics and brackets.

When we last left the party, Snorri was missing and Tyrvi was alone and under attack with half the party some distance away.

Spoiler Alert: Portions of this session borrow from the adventure, The Garden of Miracles, by Faster Monkey Games.]

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Hellfrost Side Trek #1c: Hrafn Point

[Our Side Trek continues as does the growth of our group’s size. One of the group’s prior players, Thomas, has returned after a stint in the Peace Corps. This was his first exposure to Savage Worlds and we are now up to eight players!

This entry is from Todd. As always, my GM comments in italics and brackets.

When we last left the party, they had noticed the “architect” (as the group took to calling him) directing the swarms of undead critters and re-enter the large barrow mound.

Spoiler Alert: Portions of this session borrow from the adventure, The Garden of Miracles, by Faster Monkey Games.]

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