The Price of Immortality Mini-Campaign

I’m old and I’m lazy. That was the realization (acceptance?) that I came to this week. Although I had a great idea (at least in my opinion) for a test mini-campaign that combined elements of The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde, The Lost City of Barakus, and, at least as inspiration, some elements of Ptolus, I’ve decided to shelve it. Why? Like I said, I’m old and I’m lazy. As one of those 40+ GMs with a full-time job and other hobbies (drinking beer counts as a hobby, right?), I don’t have a lot of free time to start with. I came to the realization that my campaign idea would take a whole lot of time and, to be honest, I’m just not willing to devote that much time to it.
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Pathfinder Mini-Campaign Characters

All of the players but one have created their characters. Everyone was given the option of using the Standard method (roll 4d6 and drop the low) or the Purchase method for generating Ability Scores. However, I did state that if anyone chose the Standard method, they would have to play the character regardless of how poorly the dice rolled. Everyone elected to go with the Standard Method. This resulted in some rather low scores for a couple of characters but nothing too horrible.

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I’ve recently decided to give the Pathfinder RPG a try. Over the last few years, our group has had a number of changes in players at the table and we’ve gone through a number of different game systems. We played 3.5 for quite a few year and, when 4e came out, we gave the new kid on the block a pretty good run. I ran 4e for about a year before I decided that it just wasn’t going to be for me. We then moved to Savage Worlds for about a year and, while I think it is a great game and one that I’d be happy to run, we’re still going to give Pathfinder a shot…if for no other reason, to remind us of why Savage Worlds is such a great game. 😉

My current plan is to run a mini-campaign for the next couple of months and see how things go.

Stonehell Session #2: All along the gatehouse

Below is the latest session writeup for our Stonehell Labyrinth Lord campaign…written by RJ.

We pick up where we left off with Bambi, Charity, Pedro, and the newly joined PCs, Hope and Noah, along with Pedro’s first hireling, Donnick the mercenary turned torchbearer, approaching the curtain wall.

Todd wasn’t able to make this session and Jamie took on the role of Hope along with Bambi.

My comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Warning: There are, of course, spoilers for Stonehell below.

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Stonehell Session #1a: Badgers!!!

Below is the first session writeup for our Stonehell Labyrinth Lord campaign…written by Rachel. I’ve got this tagged as Session #1a since it was our first “Stonehell” session so to speak but our second with these characters (or most of them at least).

We picked up with Bambi, Charity, and Pedro having “fled” the goblin caves leaving the looted bodies of their companions behind.

My comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Warning: There are potential spoilers for Stonehell below.

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Stonehell and Labyrinth Lord It Is

After our Back to Basics session, I decided that we’ll keep playing some Basic D&D…albeit the Labyrinth Lord version…for a bit before getting back to Savage Worlds and Hellfrost. I picked up Stonehell Dungeon by Michael Curtis and that is what I’ll be running instead of Keep on the Borderlands…actually something of a combination of the two. For a couple of good reviews of Stonehell, check out the review at Grognardia and A Paladin in Citadel. I don’t recall any spoilers in either review but if you’re worried about such, don’t read ’em.

Potential Spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon below the break!

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Back to Basics

So we’ve had some changes to our player lineup, a short break due to my travels, ended our last Hellfrost session on a bit of a sour note, and had a visiting player from out-of-town joining us. I didn’t, given this situation, want to run the normal Hellfrost campaign but we certainly wanted to do some gaming since Pat, our visitor, doesn’t really get to game much (if at all) in those lovely North Carolina mountains that he now calls home. So…what to do?

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Hellfrost Session #19

[This entry is from Kathryn. RJ and Todd missed this session. Drew came over again and played Skuli while Jamie played Taranis.

My GM comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Spoiler Alert: There is a small amount of carryover from the Hellfrost Encounters Book 1…encounter #7 to be specific…from last session but most of this session was all homemade. It was, however, inspired by an old AD&D (2nd Edition) module called Temple, Tower & Tomb…mostly the map but even that was significantly altered.]

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Hellfrost Session #18

[This entry is from Thomas and is from the Journal of Karaphos…which means all the names are spelled wrong. I’ve added the correct names.

RJ and Jamie missed this session. Drew came over again and played Cuðbert.

My GM comments in brackets and italics as usual.

Spoiler Alert: Some portions of this session borrow from the adventure, Stolen Land, by Paizo. I’ve borrowed some locations, etc. and changed to protect the innocent. One encounter is also from the Hellfrost Encounters Book 1…encounter #8 to be specific.]

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