Conallglen Session 8

When we last left the party, they had finally entered Ednowain’s tower and had begun exploring it. They had finished exploring the first two levels of the tower and had made it up to the third floor. On that level, they entered a room that looked much like a wizard’s lab with an armored figure standing motionless in each of the corners. Bryn entered the room and went right up to one of the figures and knocked upon the armor.

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version) and, “The Mysterious Tower,” from Goodman Games (also a heavily modified version). I also drew from Weapons of Legacy from WotC for some ideas and images I used.

My players became slackers again and so I wrote this up after they failed to do so. Slackers!

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Conallglen Session 7

Continuing their exploration of Ednowain’s Keep, the party had discovered an older section of corridors and chambers below the keep that looked to have not been visited in quite some time, predating Ednowain’s occupation of the keep. The tunneling activities of the giant ants had opened this once sealed section. The Fellguard, an old organization known for hunting down and destroying or banishing creatures from other planes, had built the complex and apparently used it as a tomb for one of their major heroes, Ulrich. The heroes fought many undead and recovered an obviously magical dagger before heading back out into the other sections of Ednowain’s keep and discovering that others had their own plans for the keep.

This write up is from RJ (who is playing Drogar).

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version) and, “The Mysterious Tower,” from Goodman Games (also a heavily modified version). I also drew from Weapons of Legacy from WotC for some ideas and images I used.

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Conallglen Session 6

When we last left our heroes, they had gained access to the “dungeon” and caves just under Ednowain’s keep. They had also discovered what had left all of those pole like tracks around the keep…giant ants! Giant ants that they barely survived! As they pressed deeper into complex, they discovered a much older portion that had been opened by additional tunnels dug by the ants. This portion of the complex had symbols indicating that it had been built by the Fellguard, a group known for hunting down and fighting extraplanar creatures. The party had just opened a door sealed with a large symbol of the Fellguard.

This write up is from Rachel (who is playing Clarissa and Bryn).

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version) and, “The Mysterious Tower,” from Goodman Games (also a heavily modified version). I also drew from Weapons of Legacy from WotC for some ideas and images I used.

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Conallglen Session C5

In our last session, the party had attempted to gain entry to the bandit caves below Ednowain’s keep but were unsuccessful. Shory had heard the sound of the warning horn sounded by the bandits coming from the keep and so they went back to explore. They headed down the sinkhole that had all of the pole like tracks exiting from it in the hopes that they could find an entrance to the bandit caves from within. After exploring a small area below, Shory heard a skittering noise coming from a nearby tunnel just as Drogar found a secret door in another wall.

Rachel and Bridgett were absent for this session so RJ and Todd pulled triple duty. This entry is from Todd as we finally got back to the players writing the session logs instead of me reconstructing them months later since this was an ongoing campaign now.

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version) and, “The Mysterious Tower,” from Goodman Games (also a heavily modified version).

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Conallglen Session C4

In our last session, the party had departed Broadwater and headed to Ednowain’s Keep, led by the woodsman Hannil. They had scouted around the keep a bit and then decided to scout the caves on the cliff below the keep, caves in which bandits have been reported to reside. As Shory and Bryn kept a lookout on these caves as night fell, a group of goblins climbed down and ran off, giggling, down the trail. The pair also spotted Oscar!

The giggling goblins had reached the spot where the rest of the party was hiding. Instead of just passing by, one of them called out for the humans to come out and play!

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version) and, “The Mysterious Tower,” from Goodman Games (also a heavily modified version).

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Conallgen Session C3

When we last left the heroes, they had spent some time investigating a couple of defiled shrines, discovered and dealt with the culprits of said defiling, offended Broadwater’s priestess, spent a good amount of time learning (primarily from Birch) about Ednowain, Glenis, and Tamuril as well as a bit about the halfling Tannil and his apparent interest in Ednowain’s Keep, and, lastly, Bryn appeared to have broken the heart of this same halfling…a person from whom they want to learn even more information about the keep.

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventure, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although a heavily modified version).

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Conallglen Session C2

In the last session, the two different sets of player characters came together and met, gasp, at a tavern (or, at least, at the door of a tavern). They learned quite a bit about the Conallglen area and agreed to perform a task for the local priestess, Tamuril, in exchange for her healing Drogar of lycanthrope (presumably contracted from the rat goblin in that ruined temple that group of PCs had found themselves previously).

The party had set off across the Tawlyn and had reached the two shrines that had been defaced and desecrated and to clean and, hopefully, find who had performed this blasphemy. The damage was extensive and the party had decided to make cleaning a secondary task and find who was responsible, thinking that some tracks found leading deeper into the wilderness (those skeletal ones) from the shrines were, in all likelihood, the culprits.

There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although they aren’t obvious) and for the adventure, “The Tomb of Abysthor,” also from Necromancer Games (although it is just a minor bit from the beginning).

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Conallglen Session C1

When we last left our heroes (both sets), they had all arrived in the town of Broadwater and were looking for a place to stay. One group was dusty and tired from travel while the other was also dusty and tired from travel but had also had a very harrowing last few days (week? weeks?) and barely arrived alive. Each group reached the Cask & Flagon at the same time and, as they were about to enter, the door opened from the inside.

Now we are starting to get into the full campaign. There are potential spoilers below the break for the adventures, “The Crucible of Freya,” from Necromancer Games (although they aren’t obvious) and for the adventure, “The Tomb of Abysthor,” also from Necromancer Games (although it is just a minor bit from the beginning). Also, the Legend of the Glen Blades is inspired by The Game Mechanics, “Swords of Our Fathers.” In particular, Swift and Sure, the Glen Blades (I think…I honestly don’t remember).

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Conallglen Session P1c

Just a quick interlude that wasn’t really a session.

Clarissa decided to investigate the issue of Ednowain and his tower…from the info found at Elvid’s tower. It would take about two weeks to reach the town of Broadwater from where she was in the Lowlands. Along her travels, she was staying at an inn (the Carousing Condor) and met the twin brothers, Remus and Romulus. [Romulus is a human cleric and Remus is a human mage. Both are the new characters that Todd was going to play.] As they had pleasant conversation over dinner, Romulus shared that he had been having visions of the valley of Conallglen being overcome by a cloud of darkness. He and his brother were both traveling to Conallglen to see if they could prevent this darkness.

Clarissa shared the info she had on Ednowain’s Tower and the secret of lichdom. Romulus worried that such a secret could lead exactly to the darkness he had seen in his vision. The three agreed to travel together to Conallglen and see what they could do to both find and then hide Ednowain’s secret of lichdom in the hopes of keeping the darkness from succeeding at devouring the valley.

Their journey to Conallglen was without incident and (I assume) the trio became friends along the way. When the reached Broadwater, it was getting late in the day and they sought out a place to stay for the night. They were directed to the Cask & Flagon, one of the two local inns. As they arrived, another trio of individuals arrived at the same time…a trio who looked tired, battered, and dirty. Before either party could enter the inn or make proper introductions, the door of the inn opened…

That’s the end of the prelude adventures. The party is now together and ready for the full campaign. A lot of different plot hooks are on the table and they’ve got a whole valley to explore.

Conallglen Session P2c

When we last left our heroes, they had just escaped from a mausoleum where something had been feeding upon them. The mausoleum had collapsed into a sinkhole (or so it appeared), the creature that had been feeding upon them had apparently escaped as well, and Bryn was unconscious due to grievous wounds suffered during our prior session. Shory and Drogar had stopped to rest when Drogar heard a slight noise directly behind him.

Spoilers for the adventure, “The Fountain of Health,” from Dungeon Magazine #39 are below the break.
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