The Lonely Coast Campaign Character Creation

We started our new 5th Edition D&D campaign at our last session. For this campaign, we are using a modified version of The Lonely Coast campaign setting published by Raging Swan Press. The published material is, essentially, the raw material from which I’ve constructed something that is pretty much our own…I’ve always found that’s what published settings are best for and this one is quite good for it. Unlike our Side Quest campaign, we did not limit classes and races to those in the free Basic D&D pdf. Pretty much any class or race was open for selection this time around with one main caveat…alignment must rhyme with wood. This campaign is one in which the player characters are expected to be the good guys.

We’re also using a few house rules in this campaign. We are not using Inspiration. Instead, at the start of each session, each player gets one “Benny” that can be used to give Advantage to any other player’s character as long as the Advantage is granted before the roll is made and as long as the receiving player receiving the benefit has not asked for it. We also are not using the Personality Traits, Ideals, etc. Those can be roleplayed and, as you’ll see in a moment, we have something of an alternative. We’ll also be using the Slow Natural Healing option and the More Difficult Identification variant for identifying magic items, both from the DMG.

Most of our first session was taken up with character creation. This wasn’t because character creation takes so long in 5e; rather, it was because we borrowed a page (or two) from FATE for creating characters. We borrowed the idea of high concept, trouble, phases, and aspects to flesh out the characters in terms of, well, characters rather than just mechanics. In a sense, this took the place of the traits, bonds, ideals, etc. of core 5e. High concept, essentially, sums up the character. Trouble is something that complicates the character’s life. The three phases and aspects provide three additional elements of the character’s personality AND (just as importantly) provides the PCs a couple of chances to have crossed paths before the campaign actually begins.

We ended up with the following characters.

  • Bay (played by RJ): A half-elf Warlock and ex-sailor. He is a reluctant servant to his patron, a Fey Lady, and often defies her especially if it means he does the right thing. Given the predicament he is in as a result of his pact, he is unwilling to go into debt to anyone and see it as a loser’s game. Despite that, his chivalrous nature often gets the better of him and he looks to aid women even if they neither want nor need his assistance.
  • Isenthorne (played by Rachel): A half-elf ranger who has spent much time traveling the wilds with her elven father, Isenthorne finds it very difficult to stay in one place for a long time. Both her wanderlust and curiosity more often than not gets the better of her and puts her in a tough position. Regardless, she is an independent woman who makes her own luck, thinks it is important to take responsibility for one’s actions, and defends and protects the common people.
  • Magnus (played by Miles): The only non half-elf in the party, Magnus is a devoted follower of Fyra, the Thaeden goddess of fire, hearth, and flames and has spent much of his time traveling the world spreading the gospel. His dreams, however, are plagued by what he considers visions sent by Fyra and he believes that he needs to understand and act upon them. A do gooder by nature, he looks to help and protect those in need.
  • Osric (played by Muse): A half-elf fighter, Osric is heroic and gallantly comes to the aid of those in need. He is, however, more than just a little naïve and trusting (even of those whose motives are not quite pure) and is quite susceptible to fanciful tales of the mythical and magical. No matter how bad things get, a good home cooked meal–especially one with his mother’s mashed potato recipe–will help.
  • Thalimor (played by Thomas): A half-elf bard from a noble family, Thalimor is a whimsical satirist who has a bit of a problem with doing as he is told. He has a bounty on his head as a result of a run in with a corrupt trade consortium. Thalimor has a tendency to help out those who are a bit down on their luck but often finds that his art, even when it is intende to help, is misinterpreted by those around him.

Each of the PCs had crossed paths with one or more of the others prior to our actually starting the first session but I’ll save some of that for a latter post so we can get to what actually happened in the first session. To sum it up, the following already knew (or knew of) the others.

  • Bay: Osric & Isenthorne
  • Isenthorne: Thalimor & Bay
  • Magnus: Bay & Thalimor
  • Osric: Isenthorne & Magnus
  • Thalimor: Magnus, Osric & Isenthorne

That’s enough for now. I’ll post the actual play of the session later. Hopefully some of the details of the prior meetings will come out more organically during play and end up in a future journal.

The Side Quest Session 17

Fan. That’s where we left things in our last session as in the you know what was about to hit the fan. Morgraen and Callie had just had the floor fall out from under them. Some nasty undead creature had begun to break the ropes holding it inside its sarcophagus and, if that wasn’t enough, Grim had spotted something skulking in the dark down one of the unexplored corridors. It was a pretty classic “Oh crap!” moment and a perfect spot to end a session.

This week we had a pretty full house with Muse, Rachel, RJ, and Thomas (so Callie, Grim, Morgraen, Riordan, Rurik, Bronn, and Lilly) and we were joined by a new player, Miles. Miles created Luther, a human fighter. Luther had been traveling and got caught in a bad storm. Seeking shelter, he spotted some ruins not too far from the trail he was traveling. Heading in to find shelter, he passed through an archway just as lightning struck it! Blacking out, assuming it was the end of both his travels and his life, Luther was a bit surprised to wake up to find a small halfling administering aid to him. It was Lilly! She and Bronn had just returned from chasing after Katerine who had run off unexpectedly (as both Thomas and Bridgett weren’t at the last session). Perhaps still dazed from the lightning strike, Luther followed the diminutive duo down some stairs and through some passageways and chambers until they found the rest of the party hitting that fan.

Spoilers: There are spoilers for the Dungeon Magazine adventure, Fiendish Footprints, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 16

Alarm. That’s where we ended things in our last session. An alarm being sounded from deeper within the complex in which the party had found themselves. Found themselves here by first passing through a perhaps malfunctioning magical portal, joining a quest to save some elderly folk, becoming the minions? pawns? or simply in the “employ” of the green dragon, Midoritosh, then “guests” of some elves hunting down the same hobgoblin, Kurobosh, that the party were, fleeing through the forest from needle blights, and finally finding themselves in a ruined cellar–with dead hobgoblins that they had just slain–with an alarm being sounded. That’s where we picked up in this session.

This week we had Muse, Rachel, RJ, and Theo so Callie, Grim, Morgraen, Riordan, Rurik, and Aelwulf were present.

Spoilers: There are spoilers for the Dungeon Magazine adventure, Fiendish Footprints, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 15

Kansas. That’s where things ended in our last session. In the sense of “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” After having finally gotten out of Castanamir’s abode, the party passed through the main portal to find themselves not back in The Valley. Instead, they learned that they were in the Vesve Forest on Greyhawk. In addition, they got caught up in a quest to rescue a group of elderly folk from some hobgoblins and a green dragon…somewhat reluctantly on the part of some. The session ended with the party having found the elderly folks, defeating a number of hobgoblins, and having the dragon make an appearance from the top of a tower.

This week we had Bridgett (continuing her guest appearance), Muse, RJ, Theo, and Thomas so Katerine, Callie, Grim, Rurik, Aelwulf, Lilly, and Bronn were present.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 14

At last! At the end of our last session, the party discovered the exit from Castanamir’s home. Not only that, they also found quite a bit of treasure in the process. However, it was not easy and not without loss. Lavinia fell in the last battle before their escape and much of the magical treasure found was “sacrificed” to discover the location of the exit. I have a feeling that different characters might answer differently if asked which of those two was the greater loss. 😉

For this session, we had Muse, Rachel, RJ, and Thomas AND a guest appearance by Bridgett. So that meant we had Callie, Grim, Morgraen, Riordan, Rurik, Bronn, and Lilly. RJ has elected to not make a second character to replace Lavinia. Bridgett got to play an old favorite of hers, Katerine, from our old Company H campaign…although a much lower level version of Katerine than she was when we ended that campaign. She still had her “stick with a string” though (a magical bow that looks, essentially, like a big stick with a string). We did a potluck for dinner and so we started about an hour late with all the socializing, eating, and getting seconds or, in RJ’s case, thirds. When we did get started, we picked up with the party (sans Katerine) using the portal to leave Castanamir’s island.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 13

In out last session, the party continued their explorations of Castanamir’s home. They had solved the riddle of how to get around the place but they still had not found an exit. There was one room that they had not really explored, one with a pool of water with much treasure at the bottom. Although Bronn had wanted to take some of the treasure, he had been convinced to leave it alone by the rest of the party. Fresh out of ideas for what to do next, they all agreed to tamper with the pool and that’s largely where we had ended the last session with Bronn and Lavinia in the pool room and the rest of the party and Castanamir in a different room. Neither location looked to be safe as the session ended.

This session we had Geoff, Rachel, RJ, Thomas and were joined by Geoff’s son, Alex. So we had Redwulf, Morgraen, Riordan, Lavinia, Rurik, Lilly, and Bronn who were joined by Pablo, a dwarven monk. We’re pretty much sticking with the Basic Rules for this campaign but Alex wanted to play a monk and it was pretty much a one-time thing so why not.

It also turned out that Session 13 was an unlucky number for one of the PCs who died. I won’t tell you who…you’ll have to read this session writeup to find out. 😉

Spoilers: There are definitely spoilers for the old AD&D module, C3: The Lost Island of Castanamir, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 12

Session 12 of The Side Quest was our fifth with the party on the Lost Island of Castanamir. In our last session, the party had recovered all six of the books on Chakos’ list. They had also gained an “ally” (or at least a new member of their entourage). Lilly had stayed behind with this new ally to learn “some” secret after the rest of the party passed through another of the portals. But before I get to what happened, a bit of housekeeping first. Morgraen and Riordan have both made it to 3rd level at the start of this session. Aelwulf, Callie, Grim, Lavinia, and Rurik are all 2nd level with the remaining characters (Baern, Bronn, Lilly, and Redwulf) are still being 1st level. Why the discrepency? Characters only get XP if the player is in attendance since the character isn’t played when the player isn’t there and, of course, the strings of deaths that Theo’s characters suffered. Since Rachel has missed the fewest sessions, Morgraen and Riordan have reached the loftiest heights of all the characters.

This session we had Geoff, Muse, Rachel, RJ, and Thomas in attendance…only missing Theo and so had a nice full table and nine characters in play. So away we go…

Spoilers: There are definitely spoilers for the old AD&D module, C3: The Lost Island of Castanamir, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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Rest in Peace Brian, Mastermind of Secret Headquarters

In somber news, Brian Jacoby, the owner and Mastermind of Secret Headquarters, passed away suddenly on Thanksgiving evening. Brian’s passing will leave a huge hole in the Tallahassee community that will likely never quite be filled. Brian was a passionate advocate and supporter of comics, games, and much more. He truly lived up to his shop’s tagline of “Comics and Games for EVERYONE!” Bright, airy, clean and organized, with a children’s area, and with table space to play games, the shop was a reflection of Brian’s attitude of inclusiveness. It didn’t matter if you were a Tolkien scholar who could argue the minutia of Middle Earth, a comic book fanatic who knew the origin story of every obscure comic book superhero, or you were absolutely new to the world of fantasy, sci-fi, comics, and gaming, you found a welcoming place at Secret Headquarters. I have never been in a store quite like it or that had an owner quite like Brian…the combination was near perfect.

Brian will be sorely missed by so very many.

The Side Quest Session 11

This marked our fourth session with the PCs lost on the Island of Castanamir. In our last session, they had fought then allied themselves with some hobgoblins. They then convinced one of them to start a revolt against the hobgoblin commander. Private (recently promoted to God-King) Leigh, however, was the only hobgoblin to participate in the revolt…although it did lead to an all out battle between the hobgoblins and the party. After winning that battle, the party set out to explore another, new to them, area of Castanamir’s home.

This session we had Muse, Rachel, and Thomas in attendance plus we had a new player, Geoff, join us. Thomas had made a second character and Lilly’s twin, Bronn. Bronn is a halfling rogue. Geoff rolled up a elven cleric named Redwulf. So with seven characters participating, we continued with the party’s search for the six books for Chakos and for a way out.

Spoilers: There are definitely spoilers for the old AD&D module, C3: The Lost Island of Castanamir, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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The Side Quest Session 10

In our last session, our party had continued their exploration of Castanamir’s abode in search for both the six books that Chakos had retained them to find and for a way out as well. In this session, Rachel, RJ, and Theo were in attendance and so Morgraen, Riordan, Lavinia, Rurik, and Aelwulf were played. As Theo had lost another of his characters in the prior session, he was also going to introduce Beorn this session…a dwarven cleric. We have also had an old player rejoin us…Thomas. Yes, the Dire Rattitude has returned to Tallahassee and wanted to get back into a game. To add to his list of quirky and memorable past characters, Thomas has now added Lilly. Lilly is a halfling cleric who can be briefly best summarized, at least from the first session, as a hippy stoner! Well, a hippy stoner who has visions that (conveniently) fit with what Lilly happens to be interested in doing. 😉

We began this session as Morgraen passed through a portal to find herself confronted with the two human thugs that the party had encountered a number of times already…encounters that largely consisted of the thugs taking a shot at the party and then fleeing. Spoilers: There are, of course, spoilers for the old AD&D module, C3: The Lost Island of Castanamir, below the break.

My GM comments, as usual, are in [italics and brackets].

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