FRC Session 19…Seriously?!? More Portcullises!!!

Exploring new sections of Migdhal Yar, those of the party inside encountered the giant centipede that had been seen previously. The heroes were able to get a semblance of revenge for Dru in when they killed what was likely the “leader” of the centipede swarms that had killed and largely butchered their fallen companion. We pick up things this session after the conclusion of that battle.

Craig was missing this session and so Todd played Dench. This recap is from Thomas. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 18…66 Lashes

Our last session ended with death and dissension in the ranks. Dru was killed while fighting against some of the creatures to be found in the Underdark, swarms of centipedes, and Adran was faced with a couple of his advisors, Berguk and Skarr, at odds about just getting a private audience with the Lord of Cagair Keep. At least, it appeared, that the dworcs had been brought into line. We ended the session with Berguk and Adran (the latter via an invisibility spell) had slipped away to the war room for their private discussion with Berguk reaching for something under his cloak. We pick up this session with their brief meeting.

Todd was missing this session and so Thomas played Skarr. This recap is from Rachel (although the initial bit was via texts and private messaging during the week between RJ and myself so I’ve begun with it). My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 17…BUGS!

Our last session was dominated by lots of walking and exploring of the upper level of the keep of Migdhal Yar. At the end, they had succeeded in finding the mechanism to opening one of the portcullises protecting the keep’s entrance but not the second. Even with Adran’s magics, Skarr and Verrak wouldn’t be able to shrink down to a size that could squeeze through the “arrow” slits above. So, Dench transformed into a rat, slipped through the narrow gap between the bars of the second portcullis, and went to open the large double doors going into the keep. We pick up this session with the party separated and Dench steeling himself to explore alone.

This recap is from Craig. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 16…And We’re Walking

When we stopped our last session, the party had found the entrance to what they believe is Migdhal Yar proper, a set of massive stone double doors protected by two thick, heavy portcullises. It didn’t look like anyone had been here in, well, pretty much forever. We pick up this session with the group trying to determine how to get past the fortifications.

This recap is from Muse. Todd had to miss another session so Thomas played Skarr. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 15…Tattoo

At the end of our last session, our intrepid adventurers returned to their explorations, encountered some troglodytes, and found the Glitterhame…a rich vein of gem stones that the dwarves of Migdhal Yar had mined ages ago. They also encountered something rather disturbing. After retreating to the safety of Cagair Keep for the night, they found that something else…something disturbing. Some creature had been gnawing upon the bodies of the dead troglodytes and leaving large, wet prints throughout the caverns. Then they found the creature…or perhaps better put, it found them. A large, pale frog-like thing with a massive tongue and tusks attacked. As we ended the session, it had grabbed Rory and was retreating with her into a watery chamber. We pick up this session right there.

This recap is from RJ. Craig and Muse had to miss this session and so Thomas and Rachel, respectively, played Dench and Dru. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 14…The Glitterhame

In out last session, the party continued to explore beneath Cagair Keep and had recovered a dwarven relic, Bloodcrier’s Hammer. Pressing on with their exploration of what Verrak believes to be Migdhal Yar proper, they found more natural caverns. Looking down a tunnel, Skarr heard a hissing sound and that’s where we pick up this session.

This recap is from Rachel. Todd had to miss this session and so Muse played Skarr. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 13…If I Had a Hammer

We had a double session this past weekend. Some of us got together to play some Deadlands: Reloaded in the afternoon and then we played our FRC campaign in the evening. Savage Worlds is probably my favorite rpg system and Deadlands is always fun so it was nice to have a chance to play it again. But back to the regular campaign.

When we last left our intrepid explorers, they had delved deeper and further into the depths below Cagair Keep. An exploration that for some, Skarr, was probably a safer place to be than face his sister’s wrath for certain, um, indiscretions with a certain female dworc.

This recap is from Thomas. Todd and Craig had to miss this session and so Muse played Skarr while RJ played Dench. My GM comments, as usual, are in [brackets and italics].

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FRC Session 12…Return of the Dworcs

At the end of our last session, the party found itself one member short after Strik fell in combat against some “ghoul” things and to add insult to injury, had had his body unceremoniously dropped into a chasm (apparently hiding the fact that you are a priest of an evil deity, Shar, didn’t sit too well with some of the party). To make matters worse, a carrion crawler burst out of a tunnel in the chasm wall to chase after the body and was followed by a second one. That’s pretty much where we picked up with this session.

There was a full table this session with all six players in attendance. Thomas is playing a new charcter, Verrak, a dwarven fighter (eldritch knight) who makes his first appearance shortly after we started playing.

This recap is from Todd. My GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. 😉

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FRC Session 11…Dinner?

Well, we’ve had a rather long break from gaming for a whole host of reasons. I think our last session was six weeks prior to our last session but we picked up right where we left off…with the party exploring the depths below Cagair Keep. An exploration that last found Rory separated from the rest of the party, spotting a bit of movement in the cavern ahead of her.

We have a new player joining us, Craig. He’s a newbie when it comes to D&D (a blank slate for me to mold, mwah ha ha!!!) and is playing a half-orc druid by the name of Dench. Like Skarr (Todd’s character), Dench happens to be one of Thokk’s children as well.

Muse had to miss this session and so RJ and then later Rachel played Dru. My GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. Actually, since I had to write this recap, they’re probably not nearly has separated from the events as they should be. 😉

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FRC Session 10…The (Next) Shaft

At the end of the ninth session of this campaign, the party had started exploring the areas below Cagair Keep and found them occupied by some sort of dwarf zombie things. Dwarf zombie things that remained “alive” after encountering the party. An additional shaft leading even farther down was also found. However, without more rope they decided to head back up and regroup. That’s where we pick up this session.

This recap is from Thomas. Everyone was in attendance. My GM comments are in [brackets and italics].

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