In our first session of The Side Quest, RJ, Theo, and Todd joined me with their six characters (two each), Ander Liadon, Lavinia Tealeaf, Aramil, Gurdis Fireforge, Darvin Dundragon, and Geth Stormwind. The first thing we needed to determine was why they each were traveling to Hawk’s Nest. While the players may have thought this was just the typical exercise of sharing a little background, it was a bit more than that. Their reasons for coming to this little part of the world would significantly drive what they would actually find when they got to this little part of the world.
Theo decided that Gurdis found killing orcs to be one of the most satisfying things in the world. It turned out that Aramil shared that same interest. The pair, despite being something of an odd couple, found this interest to be enough to travel together. Having heard of Madd Matt and Hell’s Haven, the pair had also heard that bounties were paid for orcs and the like. This brought them to Hawk’s Nest on one fine (very early) spring day.
RJ started with Ander, the young wizard. Apparently, his mentor had gifted another of his apprentices with
Todd explained that Darvin (who is using the false identity of Gorstag) was seeking vengeance. His mother had worked for a powerful person in Silverymoon. She had been killed by another powerful person who had been visiting and working with her employer. It turns out that this “person” was actually a dragon. Gorstag/Darvin had heard a rumor that a powerful blade, something of a dragonsbane, had been lost in the area of Hawk’s Nest. So he set off in search of it.
Geth, I believe, was on the move to avoid some past acquaintances who were a bit interested in seeing him…or at least his head…and the item that he had taken from them which was, in turn, taken from him. He had joined up with a caravan that was traveling through Silverymoon Pass. When they arrived at Hawk’s Nest, Geth took his leave. It may have helped that he had broken the nose of the caravan master’s son, Vaesel, in a bit of a scuffle and debate over the nature and position of Geth’s mother’s boots when Vaesel last saw her…wink, wink, nudge, nudge.