Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Deadliest Link!
As you know, the Deadliest Link is Faerun’s most exciting entertainment where we link you with individuals, our Daredelvers, exploring and surviving (or trying to) in Undermountain. Let’s get right to the show and introduce our Daredelvers.
Daredelver #1 is a Piper, a shadowy figure who has walked many alleyways to avoid the long arm of the law.
Daredelver #2 is Rurik and this half-orc hunter comes to us from the deep wilderness, far from civilization.
Daredelver #3 is the gnome Nilbas and this short wizard knows death in a manner that most of us would shudder to even think about.
Daredelver #4 is Isaac, a priest of an unknown god from far off, unknown lands.
Daredelver #5 is the half-orc Igmut and he combines his orcish savagery with the finesse and stealth of the city’s streets.
While I may be known as the Queen of Mean, I am not heartless. Our Daredelvers could use a little aid this episode and so I have gifts for them! For Piper, a Potion of Healing. For Rurik, a Ring of Thunder Resistance. For Nilbas, [I forgot.] For Igmut, a Cloak of the Bat!
[Random magic items can be so much fun.]
With all our housekeeping out of the way, audience, are you ready to play…the Deadliest Link?!?
{The linked audience cheers with unbridled enthusiasm.}
Daredelvers…prepare to be…The Deadliest Link!