Nentir Vale Recap, Sessions 20-22

In the prior sessions, the party faced way too many gnolls, found a possible remnant of the Necropolis of Andok Sur, magically returned to Fallcrest, and acquired a few magic weapons. Meeting with the Lord Warden and Bejik, they turned over a token from Jheri’s Tomb and learned that the serpentine dragonborn may be a follower of Zehir. After Bejik’s escape, further investigation turned up very little. And so, the party agreed to travel to Nenlast to see what might be going on there AND let the inhabitants know of the deaths of those that Aljuzae’s gnolls and abducted. On the road, they met a minstrel, Brandwick, and found an odd occurrence…the lands south of the Trade Road were burned and scorched. Following a set of tracks in the charred land, they learned of the involvement of the Mages of Saruun and found a charred stone tower. Let’s continue the recaps as the party approaches this stone tower.

The ground had become more and more charred and scorched as the party followed the tracks leading to this tower. Standings three stories high, it had no windows on the lower two floors. The windows on the third floor were covered in soot but an internal glow could be seen. Outside the double doors giving entry to the tower was a circle with some sort of arcane sigil. It looks fresh. Gandave determines it is incomplete but would keep a fire elemental type creature from crossing it. A scream could be heard from within and being the heroes they are, the party headed in. Here is what was found:

  • Scorch marks and small fires filled the entry chamber. Small smoke and fire creatures attacked the party. The second floor was very similar to the first. The party is able to douse the enthusiasm for combat of all these creatures.
  • Things changed a bit on the third floor. A human was fighting two large flame serpents wielding spears (salamanders). A large arch made of solid arcing flame is at the opposite side of the room. The human yells that he can close it IF the party can buy him some time. And that is exactly what they do as more creatures emerge and attack. The human is able to temporarily shut down the gate.
  • Brinner was sent by the Mages of Saruun to track down a thief and traitor, Brand. Brand had created this tower and opened a portal to the Elemental Chaos that he could not control. It takes Brinner hours to permanently shut the gate. He shares some high level information about the Mages of Saruun:
    • They are an order of wizards residing in Saruun Kell, an ancient minotaur city under Thunderspire.
    • They rule Seven-Pillared Hall where peoples of the Underdark and above can trade and interact.
    • Their word is pretty much law in the Seven-Pillared Hall.
    • The Mages largely direct their interest and focus on exploring Sarunn Kell and have little interest in the surface world.
  • Brinner offers to put up the party for the night in Seven-Pillared Hall, but the party must follow his lead and behave. They accept the invitation and travel about a half mile under Thunderspire, along the Road of Lanterns, to reach the Hall.
  • The Hall is a completely different world. Fungi provide light. Homes and businesses are carved into the walls of the cavern. Strange creatures mill about, including many of the “common” races of the Underdark. Brinner takes the party to the Halfmoon Inn, run by a halfling, purchases dinner and pays for their rooms. An ogre, Brug, accosts the party and attempts to goad Woody into a fight. Cooler heads keep a fray from breaking out. In the morning, the party departs (not without further harrassment and goading by Brug) and continues on the Trade Road for Nenlast.
  • On their second day of travel after leaving the Hall, the party spots carrion birds circling up ahead. A scene of a recent battle is in the road, various slain bodies about and some wagons. Many of the bodies have arrows which suggest the Bloody Sands tribe was involved. One survivor is found, a Shadar-kai, who identifies herself as Shaviir. She explains that she and others were attacking a caravan when the gnolls attacked. The merchants were headed to Fallcrest with dwarven ale. She just wants to be left alone to die BUT does ask the party to go after the gnolls which had taken some of the wagons and many of the bodies (including all of their own) and headed north.
  • The party heads north. It is clear that the gnolls are NOT making any attempt to hide their tracks. These lead to some hills and a cave. The following is found and encountered:
    • Some hidden gnolls attack as the party approaches. Dispatched.
    • Within the cave, the party finds a maze of tunnels and first encounter some undead gnolls. Another, nastier, undead and some gnolls fleeing it. Some of these gnolls make it out of the caves, others are killed.
    • A magic circle with Abyssal writing is found, made of blood and feces. Looks to be dedicated to Yeenoghu, the demon lord of gnolls, savagery, and butchery. The circle is destroyed.
    • More undead gnolls (witherlings) are encountered as well as a few more fleeing gnolls.
    • Two humans, merchants taken by the gnolls, are rescued. Chad & Ulric were with the caravan that was attacked. Very happy to be rescued.
    • Another potential entry to the Underdark (a pit) is found at the end of a very narrow passage that only Fiona could fit down.
    • Heading back out of the caves, there is a dead gnoll with Black Sands arrows in its back. Brandwick (who had waited outside) climbs out of a tree. He explains that some gnolls came running out of the cave and other gnolls chased and shot at them.
  • The party plus three at this point continues east down the Trade Road, stopping to do a funeral pyre for the dead of the caravan. They arrive at Five League House, a fortified inn. Chad and Ulric know the place and the guards and Barton, the innkeep. In exchange for sharing their story, Barton treats the party to dinner and ale.
  • Another merchant, Fitch, and three of his guards are at another table. Fitch shares that they had been traveling to Nenlast to buy some smoked fish to trade in Fallcrest. They came across snow and ice, including blocks of ice encasing gnolls! It is summer and so the whole thing was too unnatural; Fitch turned around and came back.
  • Fitch, Chad, and Ulric, witha little prodding from the heroes, all get into a discussion about pooling resources and recovering something from their failed caravans. The trio plan on heading to Hammerfast, purchase more dwarven ale from C&U’s contacts with F’s money, and sell it in Fallcrest.
  • The party sets out the next day, sans Brandwick, Chad, Fitch, and Ulric, and travel a couple of days before they encounter, sooner than expected, some of the snow that Fitch had mentioned. Young, wintery displacer beasts attack while an adult watches. The adult tells the cubs that the queen will be pleased and to flee if the battle turns against them before it departs itself.
  • Despite the wintery weather, the party continues their route towards Nenlast. As it is nearing dusk, they come upon a frozen lake with some of the ice broken in the center. A ruined building is on the shore. As they approach, they hear a giant yell and then sob.
    • Diplomacy wins out. Drufi Icereaver, a female frost giant is in the ruins.
    • Her clan is beholden to a powerful Winter Eladrin noble, Talavi.
    • She was summoned here and does not know why. Drufi wants to return home as she just had a baby two days prior.
    • Drufi and the party agree to join forces.
    • After searching the ruins, determining it was likely an old chapel to Kord (god of storms and battle), and finding a magic cloak in the debris, the significantly larger party heads out.
  • Drufi and Woodward quickly form a friendly rivalry…Drufi always lets the little human punch first. Drufi suggests they travel through the night, wanting to get back to her child. She swaddles all but Woody (who refused) and carried the party through the night. Some felt that it was one of the best night rest ever.
  • Another combat, with some sort of ice goblins, barely slows the group and they soon reach Nenlast, ice blocks encasing gnolls for a couple of miles prior to the village.

A good stopping point.

  • Cloak of the Snowstorm: A thin and flimsy cloak, you have resistance to cold damage and gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in snowy or icy environments.

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