Nentir Vale Recap, Sessions 16-19

After a little sidetrek into the Feywild, the party got back to their main “quest,” finding Jheri’s Tomb. They succeeded in that and dealt with the various guardians, both those with Aljuzae and those “native” to the tomb. They succeeded in acquiring Jheri’s Wing, an amulet as a token for Bejik, and rescued some prisoners before starting their trek back to Fallcrest. That’s when they became a band on the run, a fairly large force were following the party. Finding a fairly defensible hill with some ruins of an old Nerathi outpost, the heroes prepared themselves. Dozens of gnolls ringed the hill; let’s find out what happened.

Despite the heroes best efforts, things did not go their way. The bulk of the gnolls peppered the top of the hill with arrows. Others charged up the hill to engage the party. The fishermen huddled among some fallen walls and noticed that the ground sounded hollow. A quick look discovered a trap door. Sadly, before it could be cleared and opened, many of the fishermen fell to the veritable storm of non-stop arrows. One, known as Choppy, took many arrows that would have struck some of the PCs. Down below, here’s what was found:

  • Like the ruins above, the tunnels and rooms below appeared to be Nerathi in origin. Undead, once Nerathi soldiers, were encountered and nearly defeated the party. Fortunately, the good guys prevailed. Unfortunately, the last of the fishermen were killed in the battle.
  • One gnoll came down to scout. After that, the gnolls began to fill in the shaft leading down with rubble from above, effectively trapping the PCs.
  • Further exploration discovered a door barred from this side. Beyond was a short corridor leading to a natural shaft. Heading down, the party found:
    • A series of passages and chambers culminating in a very large cavern beyond a set of large double doors made of bone. A half dozen or so structures where in the cavern, a large dome (also made of bone) dominating.
    • As the party starts exploring, a humanoid undead greets them. D’Votski welcomed them to his master’s abode, noting that it has been a VERY long time since they’ve had any visitors. Unfortunately, his master, Qadir, is currently sleeping. He only wakes every century or so to feed (on humans and maybe elves). It is a few more decades until the next feeding. Qadir is from Andok Sur, an ancient and legendary city of dead. However, Andok Sur was said to have been in the Old Hills and the party is in the Gray Downs, dozens of miles away.
    • The party is free to explore and stay as long as they do not attempt to enter the dome. The buildings include:
      • The dome
      • A conservatory
      • A room full of bones
      • Guard houses, one at the door the party entered and another at a door at the far end of the chamber
      • A library
      • A room with six magical circles, most likely teleportation circles.
    • D’Votski shares that the other doors lead to a passage which leads down to the Underdark. As a safeguard, the doors will close if not held open…which he will not allow as they do lead to the Underdark after all. The party considers taking that passage but ultimately decide not to…I think a prior campaign where they got lost in the Underdark may have colored this decision. đŸ˜›
    • The library holds many tomes and scrolls. The pages of one book on a lectern are turning as though someone is reading it but no one is there. Searching reveals a veritable treasure trove of lore and eventually a scroll of teleportation! The party agonizes over taking this scroll. Ultimately, they do but take nothing else, leaving behind some gold (some 300gp and not nearly enough for the price of a teleportation scroll). The go pick one of the teleportation circles and use the scroll. As they are transported, D’Votski hustles into the room, possibly upset.
  • The party arrives in a dark chamber on a platform with a corresponding teleportation circle. The platform is surrounded in water, some three feet deep. As they move towards another chamber, undead rise from the water and attack. The party is victorious…yet again. Exploring further, they find:
    • Another series of chambers on, I believe, three different levels connected by staircases.
    • One chamber holds a LOT of old and mostly rotting clothing.
    • Others hold more undead, most in Nerathi uniforms. Another holds statues of Nerathi soldiers and spirits emerge and attack. Sheesh…what’s with all the undead?!?
    • Another chamber has a table upon which dozens of weapons are piled. Three of them are magical and taken by the party.
    • Another staircase leads up to an above ground tower. Exiting, the party finds that they’ve emerged from the Tower of Waiting in the Fallcrest River! They are back in Fallcrest!
  • They attract the attention of those on the Upper Quays and get shuttled across by some guards. Thurmina, Woody’s favoriate, immediately takes them to the Lord Warden.
  • The party fills in Markelhay on everything that has happened: Auntie Fiala, Aljuzae, Jheri’s tomb, the Nenlast prisoners, D’Votski, Qadir, and how they ended up back in Fallcrest. The LW asks if they’d be willing to go to Nenlast to check on things. He can send some guards or hire others, but it seems that he has grown to trust this group. The party agrees to head out the next morning.
  • Supplies are gathered. Gandave is able to get a liquid to help preserve Aljuzae’s eyes. Back to the Nentir Inn and another in-room pitcher of ale is won by Woody!
  • Next morning, the party meets with Markelhay for breakfast and to see Bejik. Harrick still has his hackles raised by this dragonborn’s presence. Sulrinn feels uneasy as well. Jheri’s Wing is offered to Bejik, but he declines and suggests that Sulrinn keep it. He does take the amulet and is very eager to leave.
  • As Bejik passes Harrick on his way out, the Captain grows very angry and lets loose with his breath weapon at Bejik. Bejik “slithers” out of the way, laughing. The party moves to protect the LW and Bejik disappears. Harrick swings in rage but does not connect.
  • The Captain moves to Markelhay and calls for the guard. He offers himself up for arrest for attacking a guest of the Lord Warden. He also explains that Bejik whispered, “May you never see His striking fangs.” That is a blessing to Zehir, the god of poison and assassins and various serpent-folk. The LW isn’t interested in arresting Harrick so the Captain offers to resign. Sulrinn explains to Harrick that his resignation may be just what Bejik wants, to leave the LW unprotected. Harrick is actually pleasant and thanks Sulrinn. Yikes!
  • Everyone starts looking into Bejik’s activities here in Fallcrest. Wisara Osterman, owner of Silver Unicorn Inn, indicates that Bejik paid for weeks in advance and did not socialize with anone. Bejik’s room is searched. Nothing is found, but the window is open. Tracks outside, lead to the river. A couple of townsfolk had seen Bejik slide into the water a couple of times but no sign of where he went. Nothing else is learned or found.
  • Next day, the party heads out for Nenlast. They meet a minstrel, Brandwick, on the road and he tags along. It is clear from the start that he’s going to be a bit annoying. By the end of the day, Thunderspire, with its clouds and storms, can be seen off to the north.
  • The land to the south of the road is scorched and burned…not a normal thing. Tracks are spotted heading into the scoreched land. Following the tracks, a backpack is found on some rocks. It has a scroll tube with the seal of the Mages of Saruun. Some fire elementals appear and attack. Tough combat but guess who is victorious. The scroll tube has a message for someone named Brand from the Mages of Saruun. Brand is to return with the bearer of the message, Brinner, and that he should not have stolen the things he stole.
  • Continuing to follow the tracks, the party spots a scorched, dark tower.

Phew…let’s call it there for a post. Here are the three magic weapons found below the Tower of Waiting:

  • Croaker’s Shot: a +1 longbow, your maximum jumping distance increases by five feet, and, as a bonus action after making an attack with Croaker, you can jump up to your maximum jumping distance. Gandave has this.
  • Dalian’s Dirk: a +1 dagger and you can no longer get drunk no matter how much you drink. Plus, you suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and concentration checks until you have had at least one alcoholic drink. Aran has this one and carries a flask with her all the time now.
  • Jynx: a +1 rapier and while wielding Jynx you have three luck points as if you had the Lucky feat. The points reset after a long rest. Does not “stack” with the Lucky feat. Woody has this.

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