Nentir Vale Campaign

My last post, back in January, was about our 2020 gaming and I mentioned that our current D&D campaign (5th Edition) was set in a reimaging of the Nentir Vale setting from 4th Edition. This campaign has continued on through 2021 (to date) and has continued online via Foundry VTT (hosted by The Forge) due to the ongoing pandemic. Things had been going great and then I had to go and have a health emergency (not Covid related) and we couldn’t play for at least six weeks. When I was in a position where we could start playing again, not everyone else was available. I was unwilling to start the campaign up without all of the current players. So, instead, we did some side stuff, with the available players but now, we’re getting ready to pick up the main campaign again. Since it has been so long and the players haven’t been doing session recaps, I figured that I should put together a recap of the campaign to date to help myself (as well as the players) remember what has come before. Since I’d be writing it all up anyways, I might as well post it too.

Rachel’s session notes have been invaluable in putting all of this together.

Before we get started with the recap, I suppose I should introduce the characters.

We started the campaign with six player characters. If I recall correctly, we started at 3rd level. Without further ado, here are the PCs (alphabetical order):

  • Aranira (aka Aran): a tieflng warlock with the Celestial patron played by Rachel.
  • Fiona: a halfling bard, College of Lore, played by Jen.
  • Gandave: an elven wizard, School of Abjuration, played by Dave.
  • Nalniss: a dwarven cleric, Forge Domain, played by Bridgett.
  • Sulrinn: a bronze dragonborn Oath of the Ancients Paladin, played by Evelyn.
  • Woodward (aka Woody): a human barbarian, Path of the Totem Warrior, played by RJ.

The characters all arrived in the Nentir Vale, the town of Fallcrest to be specific, at the start of the campaign. They arrived in pairs (Aran & Nalniss coming from the east, Gandave & Sulrinn coming from the west, and Fiona & Woody arriving via boat from the south).

We’ll pick up with the start of the campaign in the next post.

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