SitN Session #19: Let the bodies hit the floor…oh, they already did.

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version).

This is from Deornoth’s perspective.

As we finished putting the torch to the dead orc bodies and thus destroying the tattoos we never looked for, Yuri spotted an orc spying on us from the stairs under the anvil.

We gave chase, but the narrow, spiraling stairs required that we descend single file. At the bottom, there was a large, maybe huge, room with columns. The floor was covered with blood and dismembered and gutted dwarves. Rawr entered the chambered and was set upon by orcs. It got hairy a couple of times, my healing of Rawr, praise be to Moradin, being negated by Ruben inflicting new and grevious injuries on Rawr as he targeted the orcs. Ruben says it’s part of the plan, but this last time I saw doubt in Rawr’s eyes.

The orcs dispatched, we examined the chamber more throughly. Along both sides were smaller antechambers, the dwarven monks sleeping quarters. In the middle of the chamber stood a huge statue of a dwarf battling a hydra. This is a monument to the great hero Durgan Fellfist the Legndary Hydra Slayer. If I were to believe the rumors, it is very likely that this monastary is the final resting place of Durgan, albeit very deep under the statue.

As we progressed futher down the chamber, we came up a huge pile of dead orcs, orges and an ettin. All of which were sporting the same tattoo as the orcs we battled on the back from Rivenroar. I speculate that the tattoo is to indicate a clan or unit that they might belong.

The chamber ends in a great chasm. There are stairs leading down. Before we can start our descent, Yuri hears footsteps coming up the stairs. We all take our hiding spots and wait. Yuri leads with a thunderous blast. This band consists of a couple of large orcish looking, plate mailed, greatsword weilding, hard hitting fellows, and handfull of orcs with large crossbows. We are victorious.

We descend ever deeper into the mountain, in search of the tunnels that need to be collapsed. At the bottom of the stairs, we find more dead orcs. After a few minutes of indecision, we follow the trail of bodies to a tunnel opening. Might this be the tunnel we need to collapse? No, it is not. We follow through the tunnel. It opens into a large chamber that is ablaze. In this chamber is a large orog, most likely Rage, beating a dwarf, demanding that the tunnel be reopened.

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