Savage Korvosa Session 27

Unlike the last couple of sessions, this session was anything but combat heavy. Instead, we dive into the consequences of the near TPK that we had at the end of the last session. There are some definite Phantom of the Opera vibes, some significant changes for a couple of characters, and some significant changes for Korvosa itself. Many days pass, new friends are made, and old friends (or at least allies) are contacted again. Details are all below the break.

At the start of the session, I did take some time to ask the players how “big” did they want the consequences to be following their near TPK…both for their individual characters and for the campaign as a whole. Overall, the group felt like there should be some significant changes but nothing so dramatic that it would completely change the campaign…at most, a 7 out of 10 on scale of change. The players did not want their characters to be changed too significantly by their near death experience with a couple of exceptions. Both John and RJ plan on having their characters “transformed” by the recent events. Everyone else will likely have their characters look at the world a bit differently.

Everyone was in attendance and every character was either unconscious or had gone missing in the prior session. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

Date Unknown

  • Aimar regains consciousness. Soft, piano music is playing somewhere. He is lying on a rug and the rest of the party are arrayed on similar rugs nearby. A brazier with a small fire provides some faint illumination. A bucket of clean water as well as clean bandages are nearby. The wounded have already been bandaged.
    • Large drapes or curtains cordon off this little area. Aimar can tell that the chamber is both underground and fairly large.
    • Isabella wakes next. The music has continued. It is melancholic, in a minor key, and is most likely an original piece as she has never heard it before.
    • Checking the others, everyone is alive and stable. Pop is quite pale…more than before. And Mac is something else. He is larger and covered with rock and dirt.
      • Bandages are changed and the rest of the party regains consciousness. (Most of the party is at least slightly wounded and healing magics do not work as it has been more than an hour since the wounds were suffered.)
    • The group begins to explore this location. It is a large area beyond their little curtained off location. Various drapes hang about along with wardrobes randomly placed. Large stones dot the floor, looking as though they may have come down from the ceiling. Everything…except the rocks…seems to suggest a theater.
      • An area at the far end of the chamber is blocked off by more drapes. It is clear that the piano music is coming from beyond.
      • As the group approaches the curtains, the music stops. A raspy voice asks that they not look beyond them.
        • Introductions are made. The individual beyond the curtains is named Stefaneto. He is reluctant to speak much about himself.
        • He had taken Aimar after his fall and then found the others in the Shoanti tomb. He has treated their wounds as best he can. The group is free to stay here as long as they need. Food and water and other supplies can be provided. Stefaneto’s only request is that that group respect his privacy.
          • Food, water, bandages, and some romance novels are all provided by Stefaneto.
          • Isabella realizes that the music is definitely original, does not follow common patterns of music thus suggesting someone self-taught, and contains too many notes for just two hands to be playing.
          • The party stays for a few days, hoping to recover from their wounds.
            • Unfortunately, not everyone is recovering as fast as they would like. Pop even seems to take a turn for the worse.
        • Concerned and curious about what is going on in the city above, Aimar and Isabella ask if Stefaneto can bring them news. He agrees and later delivers some broadsheets.
          • The main news is about some attack on a warehouse by a flying undead creature, a sinkhole opening up, and otyughs trying to escape into the city through the sinkhole. (Hmmm…I wound how all that happened.)
          • There is also mention that the Hell Knights are now involved in the search for Kornan “Pop” Quicksky.
        • Over the course of the days resting, there are some further conversations with the group’s benefactor.
          • Stefaneto shares that they are under Korvosa. He will not go into anymore detail.
          • He is curious as to how Mac came to appear as he does…Mac looks more earth elemental than gnome. Stefaneto seems concerned that someone did it to Mac against his will.

28th of Pharast

  • From the broadsheets, the party is able to figure out the date. It is decided that they need more information about the happenings in the city so Aimar will go to the surface. He’ll try to speak to priests at the temple of Saranrae and provide them details of what the party knows.
    • Stefaneto agrees to lead Aimar to the surface as long as Aimar remains hooded for the entire trip.
    • Even hooded, Aimar can tell that a rather twisty and circuitous route is taken to reach their destination. Stefaneto will wait for an hour. If Aimar does not return in that time, Stefaneto will come back each day for the next few days.
      • Aimar climbs out of the sewer into an alleyway near the Temple of Saranrae. He immediately smells smoke…then the sounds of battle coming from multiple locations (but nowhere in the immediate vicinty)…the glow of flames can be seen around the city.
        • A broadsheet blows by on the breeze and Aimar grabs it. In big bold letters, it simply reads, “The King is Dead! Long Live the Queen!”
      • There are members of the Korvosan Guard positioned outside of the Temple’s entrance so Aimar heads to a back door. He knocks, someone answers without opening the door. Some guards soon are coming around to the back so Aimar heads back into the sewer. Stefaneto leads the hooded Aimar back and by a different route.
        • The group is stunned at the news. (I think the players were too.)
  • Isabella and Darcy speak with Stefaneto and share with him what had been going on prior to the group meeting him. He is clearly angered by the news that people were being experimented upon at the hospice and indicates that he will take them to anywhere they need to go in the city.
    • The pair are taken (hooded again) to the Shingles and they meet with Elvo. They share pretty much everything of what they had been doing and Elvo shares the current events.
      • It appears to be a civil war. The Sable Company and the Korvosan Guard are fighting against the Gray Maidens. Women are being taken from the streets by the Gray Maidens and never seen again.
      • He shares that Sable Company is no longer centered at the Great Tower (damaged heavily by Lacerto) and is now stationed somewhere out of the city.
      • Elvo will do what he can to get the group some potions for their persistent wounds…in exchange for a future favor.
  • Pop is escorted to the surface and he messages Divo.
    • Divo is pretty pissed off, especially after Pop shares everything that’s been going on with them or about the presence of Red Mantis assassins in the city.
    • Divo confirms the “civil war” and also shares the following.
      • The Acadamae has not actually entered into the fighting yet, but it is clear that they will be siding with the Queen and the Gray Maidens when they do.
      • The Gray Maidens appear to be undead. The bodies of those that Guard has been able to examine were clearly cut open and had died.
      • The Gray Maidens have been difficult to kill and their numbers appear to be growing.

And that is pretty much were things ended.

We spent some time discussing, as players, what the next moves might be for the party. A few suggestions came up:

  • Kill the Queen.
  • Check out the Hospice and temple beneath for other evidence or the like.
  • Find Rolth Lamm (remember the younger Lamm had the elder Lamm cut open on a table but still “alive” somehow).
  • Contact Captain Vindo to get more information and offer their help.

So, yeah, a pretty consequential few days that the group was not involved in while resting up.

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