Savage Korvosa Session 28

Having been on the defensive for a number of days (and sessions), the party decides to take the fight to the Gray Maidens in this session. The group decided that they need to find where the Gray Maidens are being “produced” and try to stop it. Unless this can be done, it sounds like the numbers will just continue to increase…not good as the Guard and Sable Company are already losing the civil war in Korvosa. Some scouting and other activities were first and then the party got some first hand experience of the chaos in the streets of Korvosa. Details below the break.

Everyone was in attendance. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 7

The party travels quite a bit in this session, ranging from the Gloaming Wood to Ragged Hollow and into the Bleak Mountains. During their travels, they have a number of encounters. They spend some time talking to magical animals. Markus sticks his hands somewhere that he probably shouldn’t. Provide fruit to a wizard. Encounter an ice storm. Dieter spies his own doom. Share some soup with a new friend and meet a pig. And Markus learns that Bush will not take kindly to the thief stealing from Dieter. Oh, and somehow, Markus continues to push the game into an NC-17 rating with many face palms and slow shaking of heads from the other players…drugs, sex, and violence ensue. All that below the break.

Everyone was in attendance. There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen along with our mangling of this very fine adventure. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 27

Unlike the last couple of sessions, this session was anything but combat heavy. Instead, we dive into the consequences of the near TPK that we had at the end of the last session. There are some definite Phantom of the Opera vibes, some significant changes for a couple of characters, and some significant changes for Korvosa itself. Many days pass, new friends are made, and old friends (or at least allies) are contacted again. Details are all below the break.

At the start of the session, I did take some time to ask the players how “big” did they want the consequences to be following their near TPK…both for their individual characters and for the campaign as a whole. Overall, the group felt like there should be some significant changes but nothing so dramatic that it would completely change the campaign…at most, a 7 out of 10 on scale of change. The players did not want their characters to be changed too significantly by their near death experience with a couple of exceptions. Both John and RJ plan on having their characters “transformed” by the recent events. Everyone else will likely have their characters look at the world a bit differently.

Everyone was in attendance and every character was either unconscious or had gone missing in the prior session. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 6

Oh dear! This session may have verged into the NC-17 rating area. Markus (due to RJ missing the prior session) had been swallowed by a wall in a building. The rest of the party had gone galavanting through the Gloaming Woods, leaving Markus to whatever horrible fate befell him…until they encountered him riding on the back of a giant catfish (at the end of the prior session). I asked RJ how Markus might have gotten here and he had no thoughts on this. So I leaned into what has appeared to be the “core” of who Markus is…at least in terms of how RJ has played him so far…an attractive, virile, and sexually overactive young man.

Markus had agreed with his unknown and yet unseen wall abductor that he would be set free IF he agreed to impregnate someone (with this unknown partner’s consent of course). Markus agreed and thus was on the back of the giant catfish which is, of course, the partner with which he needs to spawn. Things went downhill (downstream?) from there in terms of how does a human male fertilize the eggs of a giant catfish?!? Markus is bound to complete this upon pain of death by either the giant catfish or the perpetrator of his wallnapping. Much of this session was spent attempting to get RJ, I mean Markus, out of this predicament. Hmm…I’m starting to sense a pattern here. Details below the break…although we shall gloss over the detailed details of the initial attempts by Markus to fertilize the eggs.

Everyone was in attendance. There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 5

In this session, the party decides to leave Markus and let him play with his toys while they go to adventure some more. After stopping at the Lost Ox, they learn that one of the locals is having issues with something in his cellar…hmmm…sounds like a very traditional adventure, right? They then decide to strike out from Ragged Hollow and head to the Gloaming Wood to see if they can convince Nazata to take back Natazo, encountering vines, bodies, and a tortoise along the way. More detail below the break.

RJ was missing for this session and thus Markus would be “missing” as well. Of course, RJ is back for the next session and the group headed off to the nearby woods so now I’ll have to figure out how to bring Markus back in. Players…can’t play without them no matter how much of a pain they can be <insert goofy grin>. There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 26

The more combat heavy set of sessions continues in this session. After facing off against some Red Mantis assassins on the streets of Korvosa and at the Old Fishery, the group found a new hideout in a nearby abandoned warehouse. Pop nearly killed himself by trying on one of the Red Mantis helmets…narrowly spared by Aimar’s healing. And then a rather large undead creature came crashing through the roof of the new hideout seeking revenge! This last combat took longer than anticipated so we stopped the session right after a round where Darcy got a joker for initiative. We pick up with the fight after the break.

Adam had to miss this session and so Aimar had to suddenly “disappear” from the combat. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 4

We ended our last session with the party making their way over to the island in the Rime River to explore the Windler House…a house to which Markus has the deed (carried by Liesl for safekeeping). Borrowing one of the old, beat up boats near the Hooked Fin, they reached the old dock on the island. In an eager haste, Markus leapt from the boat to the dock and crashed through the partially rotted boards of the dock! He plunged into the water, churning up mud and disappeared below the surface. We pick up with this after the break.

Everyone was in attendance for this session. There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 25

Yikes! Session 25 already. If Google’s AI Overview can be trusted, the average TTPRG campaign is 10-20 sessions. Woohoo! We’re above average. Or we’re just slow and don’t get through as much stuff in a session as others do. Hmm…if you’ve been reading the recaps, you can make up your own mind on that. So, last session, there was some resolution to the Shiver Killings…at least in a sense. The party also laid low and also learned a bit more about some of the potential politics going on at the moment after meeting with Captain Vindo of the Sable Company. Darcy and Isabella were heading back to the Old Fishery to the rest of the group as we ended the session. We’ll pick up there after the break.

Everyone was in attendance. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 3

In this session, the party spent some time around Ragged Hollow, loans were made, equipment was bought, exploration of the surrounding area began, at least on PC got naked and offered himself up to some female creatures, the party huddled together in a small cave, another PC “cursed” another PC with bad luck and then took the curse on themselves, a new “friend” was made, and one PC unexpectedly went swimming. I suppose that all isn’t very informative so more details below the break.

What is it with PCs getting naked all of the time?!?

Everyone was in attendance for this session. There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 24

Things got crazy in the last session. After learning more information from Suria about her past with wild magic and Volshyenek, the party set off to intercept the next Shiver monster. They arrived at the correct location and the victim arrived. A new monster emerged and grew and grew and grew into a giant, Godzilla like creature with a crocodilian head and breathing streams of acid. Panic quickly set in and the creature, which was dubbed Croczilla, began destroying areas of Old Korvosa. The party fled in the panic and did their best to also lure Croczilla away from people. The Sable Company showed up and eventually the Acadamae joined the fight. At that point, all of the characters started to make their way back to the Old Fishery to regroup and join back up with Suria and Elda. We pick up with that below the break.

Although I do not think there are any spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. There are also references to sexual assault and abuse and mistreatment of Suria. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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