Savage Korvosa Session 25

Yikes! Session 25 already. If Google’s AI Overview can be trusted, the average TTPRG campaign is 10-20 sessions. Woohoo! We’re above average. Or we’re just slow and don’t get through as much stuff in a session as others do. Hmm…if you’ve been reading the recaps, you can make up your own mind on that. So, last session, there was some resolution to the Shiver Killings…at least in a sense. The party also laid low and also learned a bit more about some of the potential politics going on at the moment after meeting with Captain Vindo of the Sable Company. Darcy and Isabella were heading back to the Old Fishery to the rest of the group as we ended the session. We’ll pick up there after the break.

Everyone was in attendance. Although I do not think there are any specific spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

22 Pharast

  • Darcy and Isabella leave the park where they met with Vindo. They take a bit of a round-about way back to the Old Fishery. Darcy realizes that they are being followed.
    • An individual wearing full body red leather armor steps out in front of the duo. It has a full helmet stylized as an insect’s head and is carrying two saw-toothed sabers in a backwards grip. Darcy recognizes this individual as a Red Mantis assassin.
    • As the fight begins, another approaches from behind Isabella.
    • Both assassins begin to weave their swords in a hypnotic pattern, leaving Isabella enthralled (stunned) and watching. Darcy attacks. Isabella is able to snap out of it and magically stuns one of the assassins. The duo focus their attacks on the other. Working together, they are able to take him out.
    • Darcy takes the two sabres.
    • The other assassin is not spotted anywhere in the vicinity.
    • They head back to the Old Fishery and Darcy does not think that they are followed any further.
  • Meanwhile, back at the Old Fishery, Pop hears someone opening a door. He sees no one and calls out to alert Aimar. Mac is sleeping.
    • Two Red Mantis assassins enter from different locations and attack.
    • One is taken out by Stan and the other flees after being injured, escaping.
    • Aimar determines that assassin’s helmet, breastplate, and sabers are magical.
    • With Darcy and Isabella’s arrival, the group relocates to Ellara’s house, taking the magical items.
  • The party lays low for the rest of the day.
  • Later in the evening, the group finds an abandoned warehouse in which to hide out. It has only one (existing) entrance.

23 Pharast

  • Pop messages Elvo to let him know that they are all okay.
    • He asks Elvo to see if he can find any leads on locating Rolth Lamm.
    • Pop also gives Elvo the good news that there should be no more Shiver monsters.
    • Elvo asks if the group knows what happened at the Acadamae as there has been no information about it at all, except some vague rumors.
  • Pop also messages Fede to let her know that they’ve left the Old Fishery and she does not need to bring them any additional food.
  • Aimar and Darcy head to the Sanctuary of Shelyn with the diadem that they took from the priestess in the Temple of Urgathoa.
    • They speak with Sophia, an acolyte at the Sanctuary. The pair explains about the Urgathoan temple, the plans to unleash a plague on the city, and their concerns that the Queen might be involved.
    • This is not at all what Sophia had expected to be discussing. She seemed to have expected to discuss something about art or romance. She is a bit taken aback and disturbed by all this news. She is, however, just a dancer and acolyte so she will take the information and diadem to her superiors.
  • After a rather boring day laying low again, the evening was full of some interesting stuff.
    • Pop decided that he would try on the Red Mantis helmet.
      • He feels two little stabs on the sides of his neck as his mind is flooded with images of acts of murder.
        • Pop falls and begins to convulse. Darcy runs over and rips the helmet off of him, leaving some nasty scratches on his neck.
        • Aimar channels his divine energy and is able to neutralize the poison (just barely).
      • Later in the night, Darcy and Pop take the helmet out the Jeggare River and toss it in.
    • As they head back to the hideout, they see a large creature, some 15-feet tall, land on top of the warehouse. It looks like the priestess of Urgathoa but bigger, scarier, and with a missive scythe as one arm.
      • It crashes through the roof while screeching about revenge.
      • A fight begins within. Darcy reaches the inside quickly with some magical help from Pop, but Pop is slow to get to the interior of the hideout.
      • Despite receiving rather grievous looking wounds, the creature is still standing and does not appear nearly as hurt as it should be.

And that, unfortunately, is where we ended the session. We reached our ending time. I don’t like ending sessions mid-combat, but it happens sometimes…especially when a fight takes longer than I had anticipated. That was the case here. Sadly, Adam (and thus Aimar) will be missing…fair warning to the other players!

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