GM Analysis Paralysis

We’ve continued playing but with some larger periods of time between sessions than I prefer.

We finished up Entombed with the Pharaohs awhile back. Or, more precisely, Entombed with the Pharaohs finished off the players. One encounter resulted in a TPK even though the PCs were, if I recall correctly, pretty much rested up. Of course, having a creature that everyone, except the fighter, needs to roll a 20 to hit and can do nearly 150 points of damage in one round against a 6th level party is probably going to lead to a TPK. 😉

We started a new Pathfinder campaign three weeks ago but haven’t played since the first session. That’s not a good thing for me…I need to get into a campaign for it to really work and take off. This kind of gap almost always kills a campaign this early on.

Even worse, I’m pretty sure that Pathfinder just isn’t going to be for me. I’ve tried…I’ve really tried…to embrace Pathfinder but it has all the issues that I didn’t like in 3.5. To house rule it to make it a system I would want to run, even with the Beginner Box, is just going to be way too much work. Plus it’d probably be so far removed that it wouldn’t be recognizable as Pathfinder and the whole point of playing Pathfinder, to find new players if needed, would be lost.

I’m missing the relative simplicity and openness of Savage Worlds, for example, but I kind of want to stick with a D&D type game too. I miss the good old days of D&D too.

So here I am with our first session in three weeks just a few hours away, and I have no idea what I want to do…I’ve got GM Analysis Paralysis (GMAP)…ugh…good thing my players are a forgiving bunch…or, at least, they damn well better be! 😉

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