Draconic Measures on a Lazy Sunday Morning

Okay, it has now been over two weeks since I asked for characters asap and the response has been, at best, underwhelming. It is a bit disconcerting to do this but it appears some draconic measures are called for. You must email me or post your character by Wednesday (9/23) or I will assume that you are no longer interested in playing and offer your spot at the table to someone else. Those who recently became fathers (for the first or second time) are exempt from this.

If you are reading this and are interested in playing in a Savage Worlds game here in Tallahassee (we’re starting with a Freeport campaign), I may have some spots opening up at my table soon. I’ve got a sign up at Secret Headquarters with my contact info. If you’re not familiar with Savage Worlds, you can check out the Test Drive Rules from Pinnacle Entertainment Group.


  1. If you’re in Tallahassee and don’t know where Secret Headquarters is, just click the link in the post above or over to the right in the Stores category.

  2. I’ll take a look at the Test Drive Rules before my visit and also come up with someone to make a special guest appearance.

  3. The Hedgehog Hero is so cute!!! He looks like an Ewok đŸ™‚ I didn’t know Freeport was quite that open though. . .

  4. Hey,

    I am still alive and kicking. I didn’t want to post a character until things slowed down, but I am still interested in gaming.

    I will try to get my one eyed pirate character posted soon.

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