SitN Session #6: Stay frosty!

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Menace of the Icy Spire.

A few of the Frost Goblins slide down the slopes of the nearby hills to attack the party while others plug away with crossbows. A lone Frost Goblin, atop a high hill, is clearly some kind of spellcaster and summons icy magics during the fight. The party prevails in the end yet again.

After a short rest to catch their breath, they push on deeper into the hilly country of the Dire Wood. It isn’t long before they spy what can only be Draigdurroch’s Tower. The tower, some three stories tall, has an architectual style that favors the diabolic…various devil type creatures decorate the exterior of the tower. A path leads up to a pair of double doors and statues of diabolic creatures line either side of it. Most interesting, however, is that the entire tower is encased in a thick (about a foot) cocoon of ice…from the base all the way past the top. There is no break in the ice or apparent weak point and the whole thing refracts the images of the devils beneath it in a disturbing way.

Wary of the statues lining the path, the party approaches the double doors. With no other apparent entry, they begin to hack away at the ice in front of the door (Pat had to miss this session and so Ruben and his Flaming Sphere, which would have made the task much easier, were missing). It takes some time but they are successful. As they attempt to open the doors, a number of the statues animate and shake off the snow and ice covering them. A short time later, a few statues are no longer animated or in one piece.

Inside the tower, the diabolic motif continues. Leering devils are carved as part of the walls and ceiling. A number of them have glowing eyes and provide, albeit in a not so pleasant manner, light within. Everything is covered in a thin coat of rime. A number of fireplaces are on the first level and, rather than normal flames, have what appears to be frozen blue flames within them. As these flames are examined, a creature of ice pops out of one, then another pops out of a different fireplace, and so on until each fireplace has disgorged an icy humanoid.

As the two encounters had taken an inordinate amount of time and it was getting late, we ended the session before another fight started.

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