SitN Session #15: Tattoo me this, Adronsius

Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version).

This entry is from Ruben’s perspective.

Dent yawped “Dragon!” and charged into the room. He then mysteriously disappeared.

“What the hell?” Rawr charged into the room and was attacked from the darkness. Then a rat took him down with a nasty bite. Yuri also charged into the room joining the front lines with Tyrande. Yuri was bit as well and Tyrande also went down by a rat bite. A dark skinned gnome arrived and made some shadows appear causing the room to shift. Almost everyone took damage and become disoriented. He then disappeared after taking a shot from Deornoth. We made fast work of the rats and the flying thing but Tyrande and Yuri are now suffering from Filth Fever.

Roxy went to check on the dwarf chained to the obelisk. His name is Adronsius and he was going on about the gnome tattooing him and trying to complete a ritual. Roxy freed him form the chains and Ruben looked at the tattoo and took some time to inspect the obelisk while the others caught their breath from the fight. Rawr said it was a dragon gate of some kind. It turned out he was mostly right. It is covered with Shar markings and was once used as a gate to the Shadowfell. Ruben made it a point to return and destroy it when time permitted.

Adronsius told Roxy that we could purchase at cost from his shop for killing the hobbie and he gave us directions to Mirtala, the cook. He and Bertanian also armed themselves with the sword of Henry and the three shields we found along with Henry’s signet ring. We barred the doors using one of the pews before heading to the area with the bones littering the floor.

Yuri scouted ahead and found what looked like the remains of 100 or more human skeletons in many different states of decay and damage. He also saw a desecrated corpse and a skeleton sitting on golden thrones upon a dais. There is a large black sun on the wall behind the dais. Ruben sensed the presence of magic with the aid of Roxy, and a sword and some armor were sitting on the dais next to the thrones. Ruben entered the room headed towards the dais while smashing bones.

The eyes of the corpse suddenly popped open with a black glow. “My warriors rise up and attack the intruders.” A good number of skeletons rose up and started to advance on our group. The corpse blasted Deornoth with necrotic energy, so he returned the favor with a radiant blast that took out a good number of the skeletons. The fallen skeletons started to rise again so we focused our attacks on the corpse. The skeleton from the throne exploded and we destroyed the corpse. Tyrande put on the Battleforged armor and the Parrying longsword is being carried for Barren. We also found a good number of coins.

After turning the corner and finding a dried up fountain with small chains and manacles hanging from it, we headed back to the scrying pool. This time the cook was unconscious so we headed her direction. We passed through the room with four sarcophagi and “Here lay the Rivenroars until the rising of the Black Sun” engraved in the stone all around the room. Through some more double doors we enter another room we viewed in the pool.

This one contains four statues with gaping mouths and the cook bound upon a marble alter. She is still alive; however, she is not in a very good mental state. She was very non-responsive but she did stand and follow us when asked to do so. We went back and searched the sarcophagi finding some more coins and some Exalted chain mail that Deornoth took. We then headed back to the main hall to take the doors labeled Rivenroar. Down some stairs, we enter a room with dirt floors. Yuri can make out large lizard tracks. The room is full of large mushrooms and has incandescent moss on the walls. Yuri carefully blazed us a trail being sure not to touch any mushroom. The rest of us followed him to another set of doors.

Through the doors we found the old crone Zerriksa. She was surrounded by a magical circle that was phasing in and out. Ruben leapt into the circle between phases and grabbed her while jumping back through. We headed back up and out of the ruins to be greeted by rain. Not wanting to rest in the rain we traveled until it stopped. After a well needed and deserved good nights rest we headed out for Everlund.

(Below is an image of the tattoo found on Adronsius…)

Also, here is a picture of Adronsius’ tattoo.

Adronsius' Tattoo

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