Warning: Spoilers below for the Living Forgotten Realms Adventure, Slivers of Eaerlann.
As the party prepares to enter the opening in the mound from which the orcs came last session, they hear a loud clang and then a long yell as Dent falls into sight, landing atop the mound. Apparently, after leaving the party at the Barrow of the Ogre King, Dent found a dragon. He attacked but his axe could not penetrate the beasts scales and the dragon simply ignored him. When it took off flying, Dent’s waterskin got caught on its scales and Dent was dragged along into the sky. Eventually the dragon dropped low enough in altitude that Dent felt he could survive the fall and landed right next to the party (Dave, my out of town player, was in town so I wrote a little story about Dent and a dragon to explain how he wound up a significant distance from where he had last left the party). With Dent joining them, the party descended some stairs that led into the mound.