A new player has joined the campaign. Well, not actually new. Todd had to quit playing for awhile but he’s back and, especially since he and I have known each other for almost twenty years, I’m quite happy about it. He’s going to be playing Sebbi ap-Howell, an Anari Heahwisard. Sebbi is also the newly appointed Lord of Clachmore, a manor in the Freelands that (surprise, surprise) has Dalsetter as part of its holdings. Todd took the Noble Edge (required since he wanted to be a Heahwisard). We worked it out that his family (from the Principality of Darovia in the Magocracy) has long held this manor. Being a younger son and the manor being sort of out of the way (at least to the Magocracy), it seemed like a perfect match when his uncle, Berwyn, the current Lord of Clachmore passed away suddenly. So Sebbi’s father sent him off to the manor to oversee it and maintain the family’s interests in the area.
It also ties in nicely with my desire to run a more community-based campaign.
Sebbi also has a “new” Hindrance: Dangerous Secret. Basically, the Dark Secret Hindrance from Ravaged Earth was the inspiration. I knocked it down to a Minor Hindrance. If the secret becomes public knowledge or known to certain NPCs, the Hindrance is changed to Enemy (Major) instead of the Wanted (Major) and -4 Charisma of Dark Secret.
We are using a few House Rules in the Hellfrost campaign (most of these come from the PEG forums):
- Anyone can spend a Benny to re-roll damage.
- On a critical failure, the GM can offer the player a Benny to NOT spend a Benny and re-roll and accept the consequences of the critical failure.
- If Shaken and dealt a Joker for initiative, the character is automatically Unshaken.
- We are not using Guts. If needed, it’ll just be a Spirit check.
- If you miss the session, no XP for you.
- And, of course, all the Hellfrost Freebies from Wiggy and TAG!
Our last session log coming soon…
Oh, Cuðbert, Lia, and Wulfwynn all got Advances after our last session and their character sheets have been updated.