[After the TPK from our prior session, I need a break from the main campaign to regroup and rethink the potential plotlines floating around in my head. Although only one of the “main” player characters was killed, the session’s end result has had a pretty significant impact on the direction the campaign had headed.
Plus, two new players are joining the campaign, Cliff and Kathryn, and both have never played Savage Worlds before. We all played a bunch of one-shots and trial games when we started up and it only seems fair that they have the opportunity to get a taste of the system too. So it all came together that it was time for a Hellfrost Side Trek! I made up some pre-gen characters (which can be found here) and quickly started throwing together an adventure (becoming a mini-campaign) around Hrafn Point…a settlement of the Járn Vale that lies rather close to the borders of the Withered Lands.
A Divine Slayer, Ivarr the Ghostmane (played by Rachel), and his cousin, Gansi (played by Robert), were tasked with hiring mercenaries and traveling to Hrafn Point to assist the Temple of Scaetha there deal with any undead incursions from the Withered Lands that may occur during the winter. Stori (played by Cliff), Ulfr (played by Kathryn), and Hefinnr (played by Todd) are three mercenaries hired by Ivarr. RJ missed this session but will be joining us in the upcoming sessions so I’ll be making up another charcter for him…probably a Eulogist.
Oh, one note about the PCs for this Side Trek…I randomly determined how many XP they had. It was something like 15 plus 2d6. I did this because SW seems so much more conducive to having characters of “different” levels than certain other games and it’ll be interesting to see this in play.
These events occur a couple of weeks before the start of the regular campaign. They may (or may not) have an element of foreshadowing for some larger events that may (or may not) develop in the regular campaign.
This entry is from Todd. As always, my GM comments in italics and brackets.]
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