Descent: An Interlude

We had a late cancellation that meant we were down to two out of five players. Sadly, this has been way too common of an occurrence. I was originally just going to cancel completely but Todd had worked hard to get Saturday night off. So Todd came over and he joined Rach and I for some pizza and a game of Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition).

I had always meant to get Descent–particularly so after moments of rather severe GM burnout–but had never had until just recently. And by just recently, I mean that very morning. Given some other plans I already had, it left me very little time to read the rules. When Todd showed up, I was about seventeen or eighteen pages into the twenty-four page rulebook and hadn’t even opened the quest book yet. When Rach got back with the pizza, I was maybe another half page in.

Spoiler Alert: Spoilers for the first two quests, First Blood and The Fat Goblin, are below the break.

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Sturgimates, goblins, necromancers, and…mayors?!? Oh my!

Here is the writeup (from Todd) of our second session in our Pathfinder Beginner Box Hack mini-campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are spoilers for the adventure Fangs from the Past published by 0one Games. As is our typical pattern, the module is not getting run quite as written but there are still big spoilers for it below the break. My GM comments, as always, are in [italics and brackets] as usual.

[When we last left the party, they had recently arrived in the frontier village of Willoweed after having discovered the body of one of the local loggers about an hour out of the village. They learned from some other loggers that other attacks had happened over the last few weeks. When we ended, Aurora had just spotted her mother in the growing crowd of locals descending upon the village center. She was in tears and someone whispered to Aurora that her father had been the first victim killed two weeks earlier…]

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The Road to Willoweed

Since we won’t have the full complement of our regular players for a bit, we started a shorter adventure this past session. It’ll give us a chance to play a number of sessions with our Beginner Box Hack rules too and work out any obvious kinks. Austin, Rachel, and Todd were joined by a new player, Jim, for this session. Spoiler Alert: The foundation for this mini-campaign is Fangs from the Past published by 0one Games. As is often the case, we didn’t really get too far into the published part of the adventure but there are still big spoilers for it below the break.

Characters were created in under an hour and include the following.

  • Aaron: A human fighter played by Todd.
  • Aurora: A human cleric of Saranrae played by Rachel.
  • Remel: An elven wizard played by Austin.
  • Theoden: A dwarven rogue played by Jim.

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Pathfinder Beginner Box Hack

Scheduling issues have delayed the beginning of our next campaign. A couple of the players (Bridgett and RJ) are going to be missing pretty much all of October. So last week we did a little one shot with the start of my Beginner Box Hack…the Deadly Mine from the Beginner Box GM Kit actually. Folks enjoyed the session.

This week, I had made a number of changes to my BB Hack and Austin, Rachel, and Todd were joined by a new player, Jim, to start a short mini-campaign/adventure for the next few sessions. Before getting to the session write-up (which I’ll do in a later post), I figured I should lay out the BB Hack we’re using.

I suppose I should start with the caveat that this is all to make the game play better for myself and my group of players…others, of course, will be perfectly happy with the Beginner Box as is and with the full Pathfinder ruleset. We, on the other hand, want a D&D type game that is a bit less “crunchy” and less bookkeeping than even the Beginner Box. And, of course, because players like to be inconsistent, they also want more options than currently in the Beginner Box.

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Pathfinder Beginner Box Campaign

In a couple of weeks, we are going to start a Pathfinder Beginner Box mini-campaign that may (or may) not lead into a longer running campaign. Most of the players are, without at doubt, more on the casual side. They are not rules-lawyers (I’m lucky if they read any rules). They are not interested in min-maxing and character optimizing (with, perhaps, one exception). They are not the most tactically minded and, while they don’t mind combat, I don’t think it (particularly a system of highly tactical combat) is really what they’re interested in. Most of the players, and they can correct me if I’m way off base, don’t have the time or the interest between sessions to memorize rules, scour character optimization forums, or anything of the like. They just want to come over on Saturday nights, share some beer, and have fun playing some D&D.

Although the Pathfinder Beginner Box (PBB) is self-described as an intro to rpgs and Pathfinder in particular, it is also a nice basis for a rules-lite version of Pathfinder. That’s how we’re going to be using it. I may even strip it down a bit more (e.g., dropping standard, move, and free actions and just replacing them with an action per round and a free move a la Savage Worlds). I may add in some conversions of other races and classes (such as the ones over at EdOWar’s Blog). Not quite sure on all that yet as I want to keep things pretty simple as far as the rules go.

Combine this with Paizo’s reputation for publishing fun and interesting (if a bit railroady) adventures and it also frees me up from doing lots of prep for a campaign (prep that often goes unused for various reasons). It still gives the players what I think they want…a fun and interesting adventure. In fact, I think most of my current players would be better served by a campaign that is a little more structured than sandbox. This will probably come as a surprise to many of my players but I might just try using one of Paizo’s Adventure Paths…I swore off running an adventure path after a big fail with one a few years ago. But I think, given the time constraints that everyone has, something like that is going to be a better option to go with.

And that’s where Fat Rat Games is at right now.

Back to the Basement Session #4: Thwarting a Proposal and a Demon Spirit

Here is the write-up from our fourth session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There probably aren’t any spoilers below the break for the module, Under Illefarn but I figured I’d better keep the spoiler alert for it anyway. There are minor spoilers for the adventure, A Local Legend, from Dungeon #31 (although with modifications).

This write-up is from Rachel and my GM comments are in [italics and brackets] as usual.

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Back to the Basement Session #3: A Mission

Here is the write-up from our third session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are potential spoilers below the break for the module, Under Illefarn…although significantly less than in the first two sessions since we’ve already been sidetracked. There are spoilers for the adventure, Ashtar’s Temple, from Dungeon #81 (although with modifications).

This write-up is from Todd, who was playing the recently deceased Davos and is now playing Ellio. My GM comments are in [italics and brackets] as usual.

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Back to the Basement Session #2: A Detour on the Way Back to Daggerford

Here is the write-up from our second session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are potential spoilers below the break for the module, Under Illefarn…although significantly less than in the first session. There are also potential spoilers for the adventure, Ashtar’s Temple, from Dungeon magazine.

This write-up is from RJ, who is playing Tycyn. My GM comments are in [italics and brackets] as usual.

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Back to the Basement Session #1 Part 2

Here is the second part of our first session.

Spoiler Alert: As with the first part, there are potential spoilers below the break for the module, Under Illefarn. This write up is still from yours truly and my GM comments are in [italics and brackets] as usual. In the last posting, I left with Davos being chastised and threatened with banishment by the Duke if Davos continued behaving in the fashion of the last couple of days.

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Back to the Basement Session #1 Part 1: The Davos Diary

I wrote a bit about the genesis of this mini-campaign in the prior post, Back to the Basement. Spoiler Alert: As I mentioned, I’m using the old module, Under Illefarn, to kick things off so there are potential spoilers below the break. This write up is from me (the players will take over next session) and my GM comments are in [italics and brackets] as usual.

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