In our last post, I wrote about our first session with the D&D Starter Set but the post was long enough after just discussing the first half of our session. During the first half of the session, the players got to be involved in a bunch of roleplaying within the group and with a series of NPCs that they met at Crellar’s Trading Post where the High Road and Triboar Trail converged. These NPCs included Brent (a crude, rude, loudmouth sellsword), Crellar (the friendly owner of the trading post), Gertrude (Crellar’s outwardly judgmental wife), Goddle (a cheery halfling and a regular at the trading post), Kelsey (Crellar’s youngest son and rather interested in adventurer types), Lif (a rather aloof elf that I forgot to mention in the last writeup), Lyons (a shy, naive, young woman heading to Neverwinter to study magic), Mirapesh (the outgoing, dashing, and rather chivalrous Calishite), and Sildar (an old soldier). I wrapped up the last writeup as the last stragglers headed up to their rooms for the night’s rest.
So here is the second part.
As before, there are potential spoilers below the break for the Starter Set adventure, Lost Mine of Phandelver, but they are very minor as we didn’t get too far into it. There are also spoilers for the old Dungeon Magazine (#28) adventure, Night of Fear, but we didn’t get too far into it either. This write-up is from yours truly as I didn’t make sure any of the players would be doing a write-up.