Brelich Shadowdark Session 2

Our new Shadowdark campaign made it the second session! In our first session, the party were on their way back to Ragged Hollow following the completion of the “Halloo” for two of the characters. There were some “shenanigans” by Markus involving a farmer’s wife which led to the party fleeing the village closest to Ragged Hollow as a small mob was forming. The group made it to Ragged Hollow after a few interesting encounters along the way, particularly the development of the legend of the Lost Ox which is the namesake for Ragged Hollow’s inn and for a mythical ox which appears to have focused its attention on Markus. Arriving at Ragged Hollow, Liesl and Marlena found their home in a bit of panic and chaos.

We were joined by a new player (for this campaign), John. John is playing Dieter, a human fighter from Ragged Hollow. We’ll pick up with Dieter and the others after the break.

There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics. This recap is probably a bit more abbreviated than usual. This session was few weeks ago and I just haven’t gotten to writing this up yet and my memory is probably a but fuzzy.

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Savage Korvosa Session 23

In our last session, the party started to discover what has been causing the Shiver Killings and associated monsters to appear. They were led by the Green Lady to her creator, to her mother and grandmother, a young girl and her mother, Elda and Suria respectively. Various information is shared before Suria feels that they need to flee their home as all that she has shared could have easily been overheard by nearby neighbors. Homes in the Shingles do not prioritize privacy in their construction. Meanwhile, Pop was having issues of his own. He had attracted the attention of the Queen’s Guard by mistakenly magically messaging one who was following him. Then he was swept up with Tarquin before being fished out of the Jeggare River by a salvage guy.

The bulk of the party and guests made their way to their current hideout, the Old Fishery. Pop returned to Korvosa from wherever he had been and was fetched by the Green Lady to join the others. We pick up the session from there.

Everyone was in attendance for this session. Although I do not know if there are any spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path, there are potential spoilers regarding some of the movers and shakers of Korvosa. There are also references to sexual assault and more general abuse and mistreatment of Suria by yet to be named parties. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Brelich Shadowdark Session 1

New campaign. We’re going to be playing Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow. If that goes well, we’ll transition over to The Horrendous Hounds of Hendenburgh. If that goes well (and my Kickstarter physical rewards have arrived), we’ll then probably start a new campaign of Dolmenwood. We’ll have to decide if we want to play that with Shadowdark (and converting over) or playing Dolmenwood as its own system. Enough future stuff…Brelich is just the “shell” of a kingdom for Ragged Hollow and Hendenburgh.

We are starting this campaign with three players: Jen, Rachel, and RJ. Our first task, of course, was character creation. Given the setting and game, everyone is human. At least one character must be from Ragged Hollow and one from Hendenburgh. We’ve got a few other house rules/modes of play…more on this in a later post. We’ll pick up with the character creation below the break.

There will, obviously, be spoilers for Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow from The Merry Mushmen. My GM comments, as always, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 22

We had to take a small break from this campaign due to the winter holidays and so this session was three weeks after the prior one. More than enough time for all of the players to come up with some plan for getting out of there current predicament. This predicament resulted from the party having to attack a relatively recently opened hospice to save Pop (who had taken it upon himself to be taken in as a patient, prisoner, experimental subject or combination of the three. This assault led to the death of more than one member of the Queen’s Guard and of “physicians” purportedly working for the Queen.

The group had successfully fled the scene of this “crime” and had taken shelter in the Old Fishery. After a fitful and briefly interrupted night of rest, there was a knock at the door. That is where we will pick things up.

Everyone was in attendance for this session. I don’t think that there are any spoilers, but just to be safe…there are potential spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. Although we are not playing the adventure path, I am borrowing elements and locations from it. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 21

Things went…sideways in our last session. Pop had gotten himself into quite a predicament as the Gray Maidens took him into the hospice. When checked on later by Isabella, she was told that Pop had died. Fortunately, Aimar had slipped a tracking gem on Pop and was able to spot that he was on the move within the building. The party came to Pop’s rescue, but they killed members of the Gray Maidens (Queen’s Guard) and possibly individuals working for or on behalf of the Queen. The party was fleeing the Hospice as we ended the session. We will pick things up there after the break.

All were in attendance for this session. There are potential spoilers for elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path. Although we are not playing the adventure path, I am borrowing elements and locations from it. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 9

There’s no sugar coating this…we had a TPK in this session. Jen was missing and so was Clara and all healing for the party. After some further exploration, the party came to a chamber with pillars and many–large–spider webs. As they were cutting their way through these webs, Jano and Korgath got into a bit of a shouting match (about something I don’t even remember at this point). Unfortunately, this alerted a guard post in the next chamber, separated by just a short corridor from the party’s location. Those guards then alerted their companions beyond as this area was the stronghold of one of Stonehell’s factions.

More details below the break.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 8

A session was missed the week of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, but we got right back to it the next week. By the end of our last session, the party had decided to leave Stonehell to rest and recuperate back in Hawk’s Nest. Ivy was unconcious, Clara could not use her healing magics anymore, and Beast, Jano, and Korgath were all off distracted by some shiny thing (Todd missed the session and RJ had to unexpectedly leave early). Seeing it was just Jen and Rachel left playing, it is no surprise that they made the smart and most reasoned choice. We will pick up with the party returning to Stonehell after a rest and purchasing some more supplies.

There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 20

In our prior session, the heroes (are they heroes?) had “escaped” the Temple of Urgathoa beneath Korvosa with some information, some treasure, and some satisfaction…knowing that Gaedren Lamm was now dead. After escaping, they began to keep a watch on the buildings above the temple hoping to learn more information. Pop then decided to go into one of the buildings, failing to consult with his companions before doing so and that is when things went a bit awry as Pop was escorted into one of the buildings by the Queen’s Guard stationed out front. That’s where we will pick up after the break.

It has actually been nearly a month since we played this session…more on this at the end of this recap. Everyone was in attendance for this session. Although there are significant changes to it, there are potential spoilers for adventures from Book 2, Seven Days to the Grave, of Curse of the Crimson Throne. As usual, my GM comments are in italics below.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 7

At the end of the prior session, the party had finished their explorations of the Gatehouse and the canyon beyond and had descended into Stonehell proper. Those prior explorations were relatively haphazard rather than methodical and there are areas that remain unexplored…perhaps for the next party to come to Stonehell to explore. We pick up with their initial foray into Stonehell itself after the break.

Todd was missing this session so Jano Jingleberry was missing.. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. There are also quite a few things that have been changed. Some of these changes have been made ahead of play (e.g., Duke’s) and some come about during play in reaction to what is going on with the party.

My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 6

They made it! It only took five sessions, but they finally got into Stonehell proper. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself as we stopped the prior session as they descended into Stonehell. They did a bit before that so I suppose we should start there. At the end of Session 5, the group was investigating more of the caves along the side of the canyon. In one, they found some sobbing children, toddlers, and that is where we will pick up below the break.

All players were in attendance for this session. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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