Shadowdark Stonehell Session 6

They made it! It only took five sessions, but they finally got into Stonehell proper. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself as we stopped the prior session as they descended into Stonehell. They did a bit before that so I suppose we should start there. At the end of Session 5, the group was investigating more of the caves along the side of the canyon. In one, they found some sobbing children, toddlers, and that is where we will pick up below the break.

All players were in attendance for this session. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 19

The last couple of sessions have been largely taken up by the “side trek” into a Temple of Urgathoa beneath the city. This was not what the characters had been expecting as they thought that they would just be going after and dealing with Gaedren Lamm. They were able to do this, just not quite how they thought, but have become embroiled in something that might be greater in scope than just that petty and despicable criminal. At the end of the last session, Mac had gotten “messaged” by Divo (his contact in the Korvosan Guard) that the Queen’s Guard would be arriving on scene relatively soon.

Adam had to miss this session so Aimar was out of the picture. Although there are significant changes to it, there are potential spoilers for the Temple of Urgathoa adventure from Book 2, Seven Days to the Grave, of Curse of the Crimson Throne. As usual, my GM comments are in italics below.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 5

In Session 4, we spent nearly the entire session exploring a single room and its occupant. It wasn’t a boring session. It was, actually, quite tense at times. It was also pretty much all impromptu as a result of my asking if the players would like something interesting to happy in what would otherwise be a plain and boring room. As a result, they recovered one magic item and we have added to the history to Stonehell, its inhabitants, and the inhabitants of the surrounding area. By the end of the session, two of the five characters were incapacitated and the party retreated to a relatively safe area to recover. We’ll pick up there after the break.

All players were in attendance for this session so Collem rejoined the group…albeit only for a short period of time. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 18

In our last session, we took something of a break from the ongoing investigation into the Shiver Killings in Old Korvosa. Aimar had agreed to help the mother of a fellow acolyte of Asmodeus who was having some issues with a criminal element in her building. That criminal element being none other than Gaedran Lamm. When the party look into this, they found a bit more than they may have expected. We pick up with their exploration and incursion into a temple of Urgathoa below the break.

Everyone was in attendance; although Adam had another engagement and so was a little late in joining us. Good thing he did, they needed Aimar and his healing. Although there are significant changes to it, there are potential spoilers for the Temple of Urgathoa adventure from Book 2, Seven Days to the Grave, of Curse of the Crimson Throne. As usual, my GM comments are in italics below.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 4

In our last session, the party continued their exploration of the canyon. They discovered the actual entrance to Stonehell as well as exploring some of the caves in the canyon’s walls. We ended after they encountered an obviously crazed individual and explored where this nut had come from. Let’s just say that this session went a little sideways. I made the “mistake” of asking if the players would like anything interesting to happen with an otherwise empty room that they had started to explore. We ended up spending this entire session in that room. Will I learn my lesson and not ask that question again? Probably not…yeah, definitely not. We pick up with it below the break.

Todd was missing this session so Collem was also missing. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below; however, I don’t think there are too many this time around. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 17

In our last session, the investigations into the Shiver Killings continued. The group met with a representative of the Cerulean Society, Ciro, and now have their assistance in these activities. They encountered the Green Lady again and learned quite a bit about her origins and possibly information about her creator. Later, with the aid of Ciro, they were able to meet with the leader of the Dark Shadows gang, Romo, and although he was not happy about it, Romo escorted the group through his territory and to the family of the last individual, Sanga, to disappear. They learned a good bit about her, including her fear of crocodiles. Her husband, Vel, was more than happy to do what he can to help and asked if the party could get him and his children set up in a home in Elvo’s territory…which is starting to become a theme. We will pick up with this after the break.

Everyone was in attendance. Adam had to duck out early for work. Although there are significant changes to it, there are potential spoilers for the Temple of Urgathoa adventure from Book 2, Seven Days to the Grave, of Curse of the Crimson Throne. As usual, my GM comments are in italics below.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 3

In Session 2, Jen and Todd joined and rolled up their characters…Clara and Collem. They joined with the other characters to continue their initial investigations of the canyon leading to Stonehell. After exploring some of the ruined buildings and some of the gatehouse, surviving a fight, avoiding some others, and finding some hidden treasure, they decided to explore some other areas of the canyon. We will pick up with these explorations after the break.

We had everyone in attendance for this session. There are, of course, potential spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

Oh, just a quick note about our calendar. It is good to have something to track time and the passage of days. I created a relatively simple calendar for a prior game and we’re just using it. It just has four months which match the seasons. Each consists of thirteen weeks of seven days of twenty-four hours.

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Shadowdark Stonehell Session 2

In our prior session, only Rachel and RJ could play so they each rolled up two characters to play. We had everyone in attendance for this session so Jen and Todd both rolled up one character each. Jen is playing Clara, a human priest who had been previously working as a haberdasher. Todd is playing Collem, a human thief who was once a mariner. I will leave it up to Rachel and RJ if they want to continue playing both of their characters or to drop down to just one. Any of the players are also free to swap characters in and out each session as they feel is necessary. So just a quick recap, we have six characters at the moment (I’m sharing Clara and Collem’s motivations below; for the motivations of the others, see Session 1).

  • Brielle, dwarven fighter played by Rachel
  • Clara, human priest played by Jen; Clara has come to Stonehell in search of a friend who came here and was never heard from again.
  • Collem, human thief played by Todd; Collem is looking for treasure and to hide from a former boss who wants to find Collem after he slept with the daughter of the boss (not yet shared with the group).
  • Ivy, half-elf witch played by Rachel
  • Korgath, goliath fighter played by RJ
  • Torin the Beast, human pit fighter played by RJ

In our first session, Brielle, Ivy, Korgath, and Torin had come to Stonehell…each with their own reason for being here. They did a little initial exploration of the canyon beyond the curtain wall and had found one area that caught their attention. We will pick up with things there after the break.

There are, of course, spoilers for Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls below. My GM comments, as usual, are in italics.

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Savage Korvosa Session 16

Our last session ended after the party had tangled with the Green Lady for a second time. Like the first, she was driven off, but not killed, and one of the party was injured and drained. This time it was Aimar and he was unable to heal himself. Given the prior assessment of Pop’s injuries and the draining of his soul, the group had headed to the old Temple of Aroden again to seek aid. Aimar was just emerging from the temple as we ended. That is where we will pick up after the break.

RJ was missing this session and so Pop had run off. Jen was able to join us again after missing a few sessions.

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Savage Korvosa Session 15

We ended out last session on a rather scary cliffhanger…at least for Pop. The newest “Shiver Monster” had dropped down behind him and then apologized that he was about to be consumed in some fashion. This monster is the first of the Shiver Monsters that has been humanoid in form and the first that spoke in a humanlike manner. If there continue to be more and more Shiver Monsters, will they become more and more human in nature? Will they continue to be quite as easy to identify as they are now? Something to think about I suppose.

Jen had to miss again…Hurricane Helene aftermath…so Isabella was missing.

We’ll pick up with the attack on Pop after the break. As usual, my GM comments are in italics.

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