When we last left our party, they had spent a couple of more days exploring the tunnels and caverns below the Lonesome Drake (and Presov), encountering more giant and normal sized cockroaches and a massive nest with the queen. A door bearing the mark of the Birds of Prey had also been found. After various futile attempts to open it, they determined that both it and rings being worn by Wink and Raspin were all magical. Both Wink and Raspin pushed on the door with their “ring hand” together and it swung open. That is where we pick up below the break.
It has been over two months since we last played this campaign. Various scheduling conflicts (and an approaching hurricane) kept us from having a quorum of players for a considerable time. I think this is about the longest gap in playing where I tried to continue on with a campaign rather than just starting a new one. It is very hard for me to keep interest in a campaign if we aren’t playing on a regular basis, but we’re going to give it a go tonight with a much delayed sixth session.
There have also been a few changes. You may have also noticed that the title doesn’t have BFRPG in parentheses; it has SW. That’s because we’ve switched over to Savage Worlds. During our long hiatus from the campaign, we played a little Savage Worlds at RJ’s request. It is a game system that we’ve played quite a bit, one that I enjoy quite a bit, and one that I find very easy to run. Hannah and Teresa are also no longer playing so Thorn and Siobhan have left the party. I’m giving everyone a couple of weeks to get adjusted to the new system and to tweak their characters. Once they are final, I’ll post them.
This recap is from Rachel and we had all four regular players in attendance plus Claudia who quickly adjusted to the fact that RJ has turned Raspin into something of an alcoholic. As usual, my GM comments are in [brackets and italics]. There are potential spoilers for The Vault of Larin Karr below the break.