Shadowdark Stonehell Session 6
They made it! It only took five sessions, but they finally got into Stonehell proper. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself as we stopped the prior session as t...
They made it! It only took five sessions, but they finally got into Stonehell proper. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself as we stopped the prior session as t...
In Session 4, we spent nearly the entire session exploring a single room and its occupant. It wasn’t a boring session. It was, actually, quite tense at ti...
In our last session, the party continued their exploration of the canyon. They discovered the actual entrance to Stonehell as well as exploring some of the cave...
In Session 2, Jen and Todd joined and rolled up their characters…Clara and Collem. They joined with the other characters to continue their initial investi...
In our prior session, only Rachel and RJ could play so they each rolled up two characters to play. We had everyone in attendance for this session so Jen and Tod...
It happened again. We had scheduling issues for a whole variety of reasons, including power outages after hurricane near misses. As all of my regular players kn...
We began our 0-level play last week with four deaths. The Woodcutter became a “snackrifice” to a pair of hungry wolves, allowing the others to get a...
Last week, our current Shadowdark resulted in a TPK. The party got in over their heads a bit and, as is so often the case, chose to not cut their losses or aban...
A couple of months ago, we rebooted our Shadowdark campaign. We kept the same characters–a couple of the characters had advanced to second level–but...
Our last session was a bit short due to two players missing from the start and one needing to bow out early. The party returned from their exploration of the ru...