Pathfinder Beginner Box Hack
Scheduling issues have delayed the beginning of our next campaign. A couple of the players (Bridgett and RJ) are going to be missing pretty much all of October....
General Savage Worlds news and info.
Scheduling issues have delayed the beginning of our next campaign. A couple of the players (Bridgett and RJ) are going to be missing pretty much all of October....
We have kind of restarted our old Hellfrost campaign! As Todd would say, and I certainly share the sentiment, “Hooray!” I say kind of because there ...
When we last left our heroes, they had encountered some “bandits” holed up in a tower along the Crystalflow River. The leader of the bandits had jus...
To give our new players a taste of Savage Worlds & Hellfrost and to help the rest of us get reacquainted with them after being away for a bit, I’ve d...
So last post I mentioned that I was having a bit of GM Analysis Paralysis (GMAP). Basically, I was pretty much at a stand still for what to run and what to do w...
I’ll get to the post’s title in just a bit. First, an update. Since I last posted, we’ve still been playing with different players taking turn...
What?!? Yeah, I know, the last time I posted about what our next fantasy campaign might be, we were voting between Caladon Falls, Hellfrost, and Shaintar. Hellf...
It’s not a frog or Underdog either. Nope, just another reference largely unrelated to this actual post. As part of our ongoing discussion about a new fant...
…or something like that. Nope, despite the reference, this is not a post about Highlander. Instead, I’m just sharing how our group has been deciding...
Here is the third (and final) part of the campaign log from our first Deadlands session. Note: This portion of the session heavily used elements of “Journ...