Conallgen Session P2b
When we last left our heroes, they had been drugged by the villainous Desperado or was it by the desperado Oscar…well, regardless, they had been drugged a...
General news and information
When we last left our heroes, they had been drugged by the villainous Desperado or was it by the desperado Oscar…well, regardless, they had been drugged a...
The next set of “one-shot” adventures involved Bridgett, Rachel, and RJ. They are all still playing the characters from this so introductions are in...
When we last left our heroes, they had delved into the lower (underground) levels of Elvid’s tower, the evil wizard. They had just defeated some nasties w...
While the Rats & Ratlings booklet of our D.I.Y. D&D has pretty much all of the rules we’re using, including the rules for clerics and magi casting...
As I mentioned in my last post, our group has started to use a homebrew D&D that has four inspirations/motivations behind it: 1) a pretty simple system wher...
Death of a campaign, that is. Yep, death is not the end, again. (Apologies to Filthy Thieving Bastards) Throughout the months of June and July we had various sc...
Here is the fourth session write-up from our newest Savage Worlds Campaign; this one is from Rachel. The party is continuing their exploration and fight for sur...
Here is the second journal from our Known World mini-campaign. This is from Todd. Despite the re-imagining of the module, there are certainly spoilers for N4 Tr...
Here is the first session of the actual campaign, continuing on from the one-shot that we had done the week before. The three players Bridgett, Rachel, and RJ h...
Here is the journal from our first session (aka initally a one-shot). As I noted in a prior post, I was largely winging it but it was largely inspired and based...