Shadowdark Stonehell Session 4
In our last session, the party continued their exploration of the canyon. They discovered the actual entrance to Stonehell as well as exploring some of the cave...
General news and information
In our last session, the party continued their exploration of the canyon. They discovered the actual entrance to Stonehell as well as exploring some of the cave...
In our last session, the investigations into the Shiver Killings continued. The group met with a representative of the Cerulean Society, Ciro, and now have thei...
In Session 2, Jen and Todd joined and rolled up their characters…Clara and Collem. They joined with the other characters to continue their initial investi...
In our prior session, only Rachel and RJ could play so they each rolled up two characters to play. We had everyone in attendance for this session so Jen and Tod...
Our last session ended after the party had tangled with the Green Lady for a second time. Like the first, she was driven off, but not killed, and one of the par...
We ended out last session on a rather scary cliffhanger…at least for Pop. The newest “Shiver Monster” had dropped down behind him and then apo...
Lucky 13. Not really. The last few weeks have been a little crazy and so I am behind on posting recaps. Session 14 was last week (10/5) and I believe that Sessi...
A dozen sessions already. Does it seem like it has been that long? Regardless, the crew continues to investigate a series of killings in Old Korvosa that have l...
We began our 0-level play last week with four deaths. The Woodcutter became a “snackrifice” to a pair of hungry wolves, allowing the others to get a...
Previously on Savage Korvosa, the investigators had been looking into a series of killings where the victims, all shiver addicts, had their torsos ripped open f...