The Lonely Coast Campaign – Seeking Cynric’s Folly Part 5 (Session 12)
When we last left our heroes, they had been investigating a purported suicide at the Temple of Vélen when additional bodies started to be found dead. The priest...
General news and information
When we last left our heroes, they had been investigating a purported suicide at the Temple of Vélen when additional bodies started to be found dead. The priest...
When we last left our heroes, they had been “rescued” by the Fey Queen, Danu, who put them ashore on an island that they soon realized was Brea’s Garden from ol...
When we last left our heroes, they had barely survived a near mutiny by the crew of the Nydam and an attack by a ghost ship. The heroes plus two of the sailors ...
At the end of our last session, our heroes were in somewhat desperate straights. The ship they had been taking passage upon, the Nydam, had become becalmed in a...
In our last session, we began our new Lonely Coast campaign. The player characters had come together and all found employment upon the Nydam, a ship bound for W...
As I mentioned in the last post, we’ve started our new campaign, The Lonely Coast. Our first session was taken up with character creation and then the act...
Fan. That’s where we left things in our last session as in the you know what was about to hit the fan. Morgraen and Callie had just had the floor fall out...
Alarm. That’s where we ended things in our last session. An alarm being sounded from deeper within the complex in which the party had found themselves. Fo...
Kansas. That’s where things ended in our last session. In the sense of “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” After having final...
At last! At the end of our last session, the party discovered the exit from Castanamir’s home. Not only that, they also found quite a bit of treasure in t...