Savage Korvosa Session 28
Having been on the defensive for a number of days (and sessions), the party decides to take the fight to the Gray Maidens in this session. The group decided tha...
General news and information
Having been on the defensive for a number of days (and sessions), the party decides to take the fight to the Gray Maidens in this session. The group decided tha...
The party travels quite a bit in this session, ranging from the Gloaming Wood to Ragged Hollow and into the Bleak Mountains. During their travels, they have a n...
Unlike the last couple of sessions, this session was anything but combat heavy. Instead, we dive into the consequences of the near TPK that we had at the end of...
Oh dear! This session may have verged into the NC-17 rating area. Markus (due to RJ missing the prior session) had been swallowed by a wall in a building. The r...
The more combat heavy set of sessions continues in this session. After facing off against some Red Mantis assassins on the streets of Korvosa and at the Old Fis...
We ended our last session with the party making their way over to the island in the Rime River to explore the Windler House…a house to which Markus has th...
Yikes! Session 25 already. If Google’s AI Overview can be trusted, the average TTPRG campaign is 10-20 sessions. Woohoo! We’re above average. Or we&...
In this session, the party spent some time around Ragged Hollow, loans were made, equipment was bought, exploration of the surrounding area began, at least on P...
Things got crazy in the last session. After learning more information from Suria about her past with wild magic and Volshyenek, the party set off to intercept t...
Our new Shadowdark campaign made it the second session! In our first session, the party were on their way back to Ragged Hollow following the completion of the ...