A Savage Return
As I mentioned previously, our Conallglen campaign came to an end (a pause?) because one of the three players, Todd, had a change in work schedule and so wouldn...
As I mentioned previously, our Conallglen campaign came to an end (a pause?) because one of the three players, Todd, had a change in work schedule and so wouldn...
Here is the latest session write up of our Savage World Known World campaign (supplied by Rachel). This session was a continuation of the party’s ongoing ...
Here is the write up of the eleventh session of our Known World campaign, written by Todd. When we last left our adventurers, they had recently survived somethi...
Here is the writeup from our tenth session of our Known World campaign. This writeup is from Bridgett who is playing Moe. The party is continuing their trek acr...
Here is the latest from our Known World campaign from RJ…I believe it was our ninth session. The party is continuing their trek across the Isle of Dread a...
Here is the write-up of our eighth session of our Known World campaign. This is from Rachel who is playing Mick. When we had last left our band of adventurers, ...
Here is the write-up of our seventh session of our Known World campaign. This is from Todd who is playing Niccolo. When we had last left our band of adventurers...
I’m assuming that RJ, who has provided this write-up of our sixth session of our Known World campaign, is making a play on “ze plane, ze plane”...
Here is the write-up from the fifth session of our Known World campaign. This one is from Bridgett who is playing Moe. When we started playing the one-shot that...
Here is the fourth session write-up from our newest Savage Worlds Campaign; this one is from Rachel. The party is continuing their exploration and fight for sur...