Captain’s Log #3: Tapping Pat for Fun and Profit
[This entry is from Robert and, due to the direction that the game went, deals with some of the more risque elements of Freeport (e.g., prostitution) and may no...
News and notes about whatever campaign is the current FRG campaign.
[This entry is from Robert and, due to the direction that the game went, deals with some of the more risque elements of Freeport (e.g., prostitution) and may no...
[This entry is from Jamie.] Chapter the first Allara, Tory, Gills, Zahndethus, and Pta find themselves in a jolly-boat, towing a door-raft encumbered by an unco...
After each session, one player has responsibility for writing up a synopsis of what happened during that session. The responsibility rotates from session to ses...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version). This is from Tyrande’s perspective. The Orog was be...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version). This is from Deornoth’s perspective. As we finished...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version). From Chris (who plays Rawr): “I took a bit of liber...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Siege of Bordrin’s Watch (albeit a modified version). This entry is from Roxy’s perspective. After taking...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version). This entry is from Yuri’s perspective. We resume our adventure...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version). This entry is from Ruben’s perspective. Dent yawped “Dragon!” ...
Warning: Spoilers below for the adventure, Rescue at Rivenroar (albeit a modified version). This entry is from Berran’s perspective. All of sudden Yuri, D...