Myth & Magic Campaign
This past weekend marked the beginning of our new campaign and a new game system. As I mentioned in my prior posting, we’re moving to a less “tactically challen...
News and notes about whatever campaign is the current FRG campaign.
This past weekend marked the beginning of our new campaign and a new game system. As I mentioned in my prior posting, we’re moving to a less “tactically challen...
Here is the third (and final) part of the campaign log from our first Deadlands session. Note: This portion of the session heavily used elements of “Journ...
Here is the second part of the campaign log from our first Deadlands session. My GM comments are in [italics and brackets.] Note: Part of this session used elem...
Here is part one of a campaign log from our first Deadlands session. There are three parts, each written from the viewpoint of one of the player characters. My ...
Okay…first off, we never really went away; we just went somewhere else (over here at Fat Rat Games’ Pathfinder Campaign Blog). Since this site went ...
Below is the latest session writeup for our Stonehell Labyrinth Lord campaign…written by RJ. We pick up where we left off with Bambi, Charity, Pedro, and ...
Below is the first session writeup for our Stonehell Labyrinth Lord campaign…written by Rachel. I’ve got this tagged as Session #1a since it was our...
After our Back to Basics session, I decided that we’ll keep playing some Basic D&D…albeit the Labyrinth Lord version…for a bit before get...
So we’ve had some changes to our player lineup, a short break due to my travels, ended our last Hellfrost session on a bit of a sour note, and had a visit...
[This entry is from Kathryn. RJ and Todd missed this session. Drew came over again and played Skuli while Jamie played Taranis. My GM comments in brackets and i...