Nentir Vale Recap, Ongoing Story/Plot Hooks
To help everyone with keeping track of the things going on in the campaign, I’ve pulled together the various “plot hooks” or events that have ...
To help everyone with keeping track of the things going on in the campaign, I’ve pulled together the various “plot hooks” or events that have ...
In their mission to put a stop to an invasion of Winter Fey, the party got themselves caught up in yet another fine mess. Mostly friendly kobolds, hobgoblin sla...
Oh my…the party has stepped in some deep…snow. Embroiled in a fey invasion and, more to the point, preventing it. How minor and yet how important ca...
Fire and ice. That kind of sums a bit of the last few sessions. As the party was heading to Nenlast (to both check on the village and to inform the villagers of...
In the prior sessions, the party faced way too many gnolls, found a possible remnant of the Necropolis of Andok Sur, magically returned to Fallcrest, and acquir...
After a little sidetrek into the Feywild, the party got back to their main “quest,” finding Jheri’s Tomb. They succeeded in that and dealt wit...
Lots of information gathered and learned in the last couple of sessions. Mari’s map, in particular, had a lot of info…almost like it provides almost...
Previously on “The Nentir Vale…” The heroes followed the “rock sausage” and found some ruins, days to the north of Fallcrest. Cata...
In our prior sessions, the party came together, got employed by the main authority in the Vale, fought an ogre, a bunch of gnolls and kobolds, and defeated a dr...
Originally, I began writing these as a normal session log like we used to. After it taking me a couple of hours to do one for the first two session and realizin...