Fledgling Pathfinders
The characters for the 4e Pathfinder campaign are largely finished and we had our first actual play session this week. The basic premise of the campaign is that...
The characters for the 4e Pathfinder campaign are largely finished and we had our first actual play session this week. The basic premise of the campaign is that...
My group had our “first” session last night for the 4e Pathfinder campaign. This session was devoted entirely to character creation but there wasn...
The group is about to wrap up Keep on the Shadowfell. As numerous folks around the web have commented, it is, of course, rather heavy on the combat side of thin...
Philosophers beware…I’m butchering your concepts mentioned in the title. I’ve decided, after a few more sessions of 4e, that the game emphasizes an a posteriori...
This week marks my trial run with 4e. Starting Friday, I’ll be running the Keep on the Shadowfell preview adventure from Wizards of the Coast. I don’...
Gnome Stew is a new blog for GMs by GMs written by a number of experienced GMs. I’ve got a link to it over on the right there. I particularly like the ...
Johnn Four over at Roleplaying Tips has a discussion about what it means to roleplay a character. He has a distinction between acting and representation as role...
I admit that I use a lot of published adventures in my campaigns partly because I’m lazy, partly because some of them are pretty good but mostly because m...
Here’s a couple of D&D videos I found on D&D Nerd.com…how could you not like Christopher Walken as your DM? [youtube]O4InEGJzOsQ[/youtube] &...
As part of character creation for a FRG campaign, I asked one of the players some clarifying questions about his character’s background because I had story idea...