Pathfinder Beginner Box Hack
Scheduling issues have delayed the beginning of our next campaign. A couple of the players (Bridgett and RJ) are going to be missing pretty much all of October....
Scheduling issues have delayed the beginning of our next campaign. A couple of the players (Bridgett and RJ) are going to be missing pretty much all of October....
In a couple of weeks, we are going to start a Pathfinder Beginner Box mini-campaign that may (or may) not lead into a longer running campaign. Most of the playe...
Here is the write-up from our fourth session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There probably aren’t any spoile...
Here is the write-up from our third session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are potential spoilers below the ...
Here is the write-up from our second session of our Back to the Basement AD&D (2nd Edition) campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are potential spoilers below the...
Here is the second part of our first session. Spoiler Alert: As with the first part, there are potential spoilers below the break for the module, Under Illefarn...
I wrote a bit about the genesis of this mini-campaign in the prior post, Back to the Basement. Spoiler Alert: As I mentioned, I’m using the old module, Un...
I have to admit that I’ve never actually played an RPG in a basement. I know that the classic stereotype of RPGs is a bunch of guys sitting around a table...
We have kind of restarted our old Hellfrost campaign! As Todd would say, and I certainly share the sentiment, “Hooray!” I say kind of because there ...
When we last left our heroes, they had encountered some “bandits” holed up in a tower along the Crystalflow River. The leader of the bandits had jus...