A Savage Christmas Session! (Part I)
This was our last session before Christmas (and possibly before the new year) and so we took a break from our Willoweed campaign, got some pizza for everyone, e...
This was our last session before Christmas (and possibly before the new year) and so we took a break from our Willoweed campaign, got some pizza for everyone, e...
Here is the write-up from our eighth session with our Beginner Box Hack (from Todd). Spoiler Alert: Even though the party has largely finished the module and we...
Here is the write-up from our seventh session with our Beginner Box Hack (from RJ). Spoiler Alert: Even though the party has largely finished the module, they a...
Here is the write-up from our sixth session with our Beginner Box Hack (from Bridgett). Spoiler Alert: Even though the party is heading back to town following t...
Here is the write-up from our fifth session with our Beginner Box Hack (from Rachel). Austin is not going to be able to play for awhile due to family and work c...
Here is the write-up from our fourth session with our Beginner Box Hack (from Austin). We finally had a full compliment of players as both Bridgett and RJ joine...
We had a bit of a snafu with our campaign journal after the last session…as in no one did it. It was well over a week later when RJ took it on to make sur...
We had a late cancellation that meant we were down to two out of five players. Sadly, this has been way too common of an occurrence. I was originally just going...
Here is the writeup (from Todd) of our second session in our Pathfinder Beginner Box Hack mini-campaign. Spoiler Alert: There are spoilers for the adventure Fan...
Since we won’t have the full complement of our regular players for a bit, we started a shorter adventure this past session. It’ll give us a chance t...