Brelich Shadowdark Session 2
Our new Shadowdark campaign made it the second session! In our first session, the party were on their way back to Ragged Hollow following the completion of the ...
Our new Shadowdark campaign made it the second session! In our first session, the party were on their way back to Ragged Hollow following the completion of the ...
In our last session, the party started to discover what has been causing the Shiver Killings and associated monsters to appear. They were led by the Green Lady ...
New campaign. We’re going to be playing Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow. If that goes well, we’ll transition over to The Horrendous Hounds of Hendenbur...
We had to take a small break from this campaign due to the winter holidays and so this session was three weeks after the prior one. More than enough time for al...
Things went…sideways in our last session. Pop had gotten himself into quite a predicament as the Gray Maidens took him into the hospice. When checked on l...
There’s no sugar coating this…we had a TPK in this session. Jen was missing and so was Clara and all healing for the party. After some further explo...
A session was missed the week of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, but we got right back to it the next week. By the end of our last session, the party h...
In our prior session, the heroes (are they heroes?) had “escaped” the Temple of Urgathoa beneath Korvosa with some information, some treasure, and s...
At the end of the prior session, the party had finished their explorations of the Gatehouse and the canyon beyond and had descended into Stonehell proper. Those...
They made it! It only took five sessions, but they finally got into Stonehell proper. Oh, I’m getting ahead of myself as we stopped the prior session as t...