FRC Session 6…Strik’s Day Out
When we ended our last session, we got back to having something of a cliffhanger…phew. The party had gone to Cagair Keep and Dru had entered under some fa...
When we ended our last session, we got back to having something of a cliffhanger…phew. The party had gone to Cagair Keep and Dru had entered under some fa...
The last session ended somewhat tamely compared to some prior ones. The party had headed to Floshin Estate to see if they could find out anymore information abo...
The last session ended in carnage with the party of PCs somewhat caught between caravan guards and attacking cultists of some sort. Although the PCs took their ...
In our last session, the PCs had learned that someone else had taken up residence in Cagair Keep. They had also defeated some bandits who had preyed upon a smal...
Our first session of our new Forgotten Realms campaign found the PCs coming together for various reasons and learning that one of them, Adran, had a potential o...
Our first session of our new campaign, set in the Forgotten Realms, was this past weekend. We did a potluck and so got started a bit late and began with charact...
Our past session marked the beginning of a new campaign here at Fat Rat Games. This campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms and using the 5e D&D rules (sin...
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Deadliest Link! As you know, the Deadliest Link is Faerun’s most exciting entertainment where we link you with indivi...
Since we have some scheduling issues with players missing and a holiday coming up, we aren’t going to start a new (regular) campaign for a few weeks. So t...
When we ended our last session, things were looking rather grim for the party. Pounder had been arrested for the brutal murder of the child, Kettilwig, and was ...